8: Friend...?

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V's POV:

Where could she be??!!

I looked for her for hours and hours.

What if what the doctor said was true? What if she really had suicidal thoughts? What if she had already committed suicide while I'm looking for her right now?!

That stupid girl!! If I find her I'm going to make sure she doesn't run away again. EVER.

I've searched for so long and I still can't find her. Maybe I should go outside the hospital and check.

End of POV

V ran outside and searched around the perimeter of the hospital. When he was nearing the back, he spied a girl with long hair sitting on the ground with her back against the wall, not moving.

Having a bad feeling, V walked towards her. Gradually, he picked up speed and found himself running towards her. Reaching her back, he placed a hand on her shoulder.

"AAAHHHH!!!" Tifany screamed. Shocked, V stepped back as Tifany pushed him away harshly, and ran away without looking back, clutching her head.

A second later, V regained his composure, seeing her running away. Not thinking, he grabbed her wrist and held her back. Tifany struggled against his hold, wanting to break free. Just when she was about to succeed, V pulled her against himself.

And locked her in his arms.

"It's me! It's Taehyung,"V comforted Tifany, hugging her tight. However, Tifany's heavy breathing did not stop. "Listen to my heartbeat. Follow it. Breathe."V whispered.

Back in the hospital

V waited for Tifany to calm down as he continued to hold her in his arms. Finally, she calmed down enough to breathe normally. V knew that she was already okay. He started to loosen his hands around her, but stopped abruptly.

His breathing also came to a halt.

Tifany realised the awkward position that they were in. Her arms were around V's waist, while V's arms were around hers, his head in her hair.

She pushed him away, and V knocked his arm against the table. "Ouch!What-"V said, looking up. He stopped talking, seeing that Tifany's face was red. Really red.

"HAHAHAHAAHAHAAA"V howled with laughter. Tifany frowned and her face only got redder. She had never felt this way before.

"Don't worry I won't like you. Don't think too much,"V managed to say while chuckling.

"Friends?"he asked, smiling. "And I thought you hated me that much?" Tifany questioned.

"Aww, chingu, I just get to tease you more if you were my friend,"V said and laughed again.

Tifany narrowed her eyes at him and V's laughter became awkward coughs, as he was afraid what Tifany would do to him if he continued laughing.

"Laughed enough?"she asked, wearing a fake smile on her face. V gulped and nodded quickly. Tifany's expression changed 180° and she sat down on her bed.

V knelt down in front of her. "Mind telling me what happened?" Tifany sighed and shook her head. "It isn't the right time. I'll tell you later."

V shrugged his shoulders in understanding and took her bag for her, and they went out of the hospital. V led her to his car.

"Wait...you're driving me home?"Tifany asked. V gave her a 'uh-huh' face and put her bag in the back seat. Tifany sighed once again and sat on the passenger seat. V slided in next to her and drove off.

Learning their past lesson, they did not talk this time. Not for the whole journey. Other than Tifany giving directions as to where her house was.

Finally, they reached Tifany's house. V found the place she lived familiar. Wait...more than familiar. He lived on the same street. The same street. Just five houses down. How the heck have they never met before while going to school?! V kept in mind to wait for her tomorrow.

"So this is your house?"V commented, looking at the large 3-storey mansion. "Yeah,"Tifany shrugged. "It's big,"V continued.

But it's always empty...at least most of the time

Tifany shook her thoughts away and walked to the front gate. "Welcome back, miss Shin,"the guard greeted her. Tifany gave a small smile and nod in reply. "Come on in,"she said to V.

V took off his shoes and went inside. It was...big. Even though they live om the same street and all the houses were pretty much the same design, Tifany's house was much larger. But...other than the helpers, there was no one else around.

"Let me put my stuff away in my room, you sit here first,"Tifany said as she climbed up the stairs to her room. V mentally noted where her room was. 3rd floor, 1st room to the left.

After unpacking her stuff, Tifany went downstairs and sat on the sofa, two seats next to V, leaving a safe distance between them.

For a moment, they sat in awkward silence. Then, V could no longer stand it and he decided to break the ice by talking first.

"Are you ok...?"V asked. Tifany stayed silent. He meant to break the awkwardness, but his sentence seemed to make everything worse.

After a while, Tifany sighed and started talking. "Actually...what I told you...about how my parents are too busy with work...it is only partially true..."

"My mum is actually...my dad's second wife. His first wife died, and he remarried a while later. My mum was a very capable business woman. She and my dad never wanted to have any children. They just wanted to work and earn money.

But they made...made a mistake...and that mistake was me. My mum said so herself. That having and giving birth to me was a mistake. I only stopped her from going to work for quite a long time, made her busy with me. That is what I am to her.

My father thought so too. That was why he...he..."Tifany could not bear to continue her sentence, sobbing with tears already running down her cheeks.

V scooted over to her and placed his arm around her shoulder, giving her reassurance that he was there for her. Tifany leaned onto him, glad that he was there for her.

"He...hit and physically abused me. My mum witnessed everything, and she pretended not to see it. I've lived like this since I was 6. And when I was 15...my father left for frequent business trips. I hardly ever see him. At most...about 1-2 times a year. And everytime that happened, I will hide in any corner of this house."Tifany shuddered, as if recalling past memories.

"Just now, he came to see me. His expression...I can still remember it clearly. He looked...angry. Just like how he did when he beat me. I ran away to hide. I was just...just-too.."Tifany's voice quavered and she stopped talking.

"Don't worry. I'm here,"V soothed her as he hugged her tighter. He didn't know that this girl, who seemed so strong on the outside, was actually so vunerable. She can't take anything out on her parents because...well they are her parents. She had no friends, no one close enough to talk about her troubles with. But now it was different.

V will be there for her.


Yes V is her one and only friend.

Don't get jealous. :)


My cousins were over for the whole week...and I spend like every single hour being tour guide. So...no time to update lah...^^"

"Don't give us excuses dumb author."

Ok can...T_T

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