•Chapter 1•

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You woke up, grumbling. "Ugh...what time is it...?" You turned to your alarm clock, checking the time. "...You serious. God couldn't have woken me any later, huh? Jeez." It was 4:04am.

Suddenly, your stomach growled "....Come onnnn..." The bed was way too soft to leave, but the sudden hunger hitting you forced you to get up. You yawned and put on your slippers. (I'm so sorry if you dislike slippers but I've got to add this, deepest apologies 😭)

Going downstairs, you opened the fridge's door, expecting food. Almost complete emptiness and the humming of the light built inside of it greeted you. What a disappointment.

"I guess I'll have to go buy something." You shrugged, searching through every nook and cranny of your home, collecting all the money you could find. "There, should be enough." You paused.

".......Right..?-" You looked at the money, confused, but only for a split second "Meh, not like I'm gonna buy the whole store." You put the money on the nearest table available and looked for your jacket, since it was probably quite cold out, considering it's pretty early.

Slipping on your jacket, you took the money back and stuffed it into your pocket. Taking your keys from the coat hanger your jacket hung on, you unlocked the front door and exited your warm home.

"It's colder than I expected..-" You quickly shut and locked the door behind you and got going immediately after. "Next time change clothes, [Reader]." You scolded myself.

Soon, you reached the convenience store. You looked at it, seeing nothing but a full trash can, an assumingly broken vending machine, and a flickering light above the entrance. It read 'open 24hours'

"Wow, I'm lucky! For once-" You muttered the last part to yourself, entering through the glass door, the warmth immediately hitting you, making you smile ever so slightly.

The cashier on the other hand didn't look that pleased as you did. He looked tired. Really tired. He just lifted his head and checked you out. Him now also giving you a slight smile, before returning to attempt to get any rest whatsoever.

You noticed, but decided not to say anything, just in case that might tick the young male off. You went around the store. Eventually you found [f/s] (<- favorite snack) and picked it up, looking at it, now determined.

"Found you." You smirked at it, going to the cash register. The cashier didn't notice and kept his head down. "Uhm, 'scuse me-" You gently tapped his head, his shoulder too far to reach, considering he had his arms behind the counter instead of on, like he did when you came in.

He looked up and straightened his posture. "Apologies-" The cashier muttered before scanning your item. "No no, I understand, don't worry 'bout it." You gave him a small, reassuring smile. He returned the smile "Alright. Like your shoes by the way. Wish I could wear those daily." A small chuckle escaped his lips.

That's when you realized.

You still had your fucking slippers on.

"Ah- Well-....Jee, this is embarrassing-" You looked down, slightly ashamed. "Hey, if you think that was sarcasm I mean it. These shoes are getting uncomfortable. Especially when you have to stand all the time considering I get no chair here."

"Oh?" You quickly peeked behind him. No chair in sight. You then returned to give him your attention "Well, I'm sure that's horrible. I'm so sorry for you- I have another pair at home, would you want them?"..........Why the FUCK were you offering a cashier you just met shoes. I mean, you did feel bad, but C'MON. Welp, you've already said it, too bad.

"You'd really give them to me?-" His eyes lit up a bit, a smile forming on his face. "Sure why not?" You smiled back, trying to play it cool.

"Thanks, it's really appreciated." After that, an awkward silence formed. He cleared his throat "Uhm, anyways, the [f/s]'s cost 5$. You nodded and handed him the money, taking your dearest [f/s] back.

"Thank you, come again" He said, you nodded and walked out, waving to him. He waved back and went back to attempting to rest.

You're outside. ".............I don't think I'll be able to come again after what happened- I swear to god- [Reader], get yourself together. I know it's 4am, but still." You gave yourself a slap, not too hard, but not too soft, and started walking back to your house.

As you arrived at the front of your house, you unlocked the door, letting yourself in, yet again, closing and locking it behind you. Taking off your jacket, you placed your [f/s] on a small table next to the coat hanger.

After you hung up your jacket, you took the [f/s] back into your hand's, and flopped onto the couch. You started eating a bit of it and watching [f/sw] (<- favorite show). After finishing your [f/s] you went back upstairs. Entering your room, you sat down at the end of your bed and took off your slippers.

Finally having satisfied your needs, you got back in bed, tucking yourself in. And just with that, you fell asleep, full and pleased.

Yet, you dreamt of the 'slippers incident' that happened in the store.

Yup, apparently God hates you and wants you to suffer.

Thankfully though, the dream was short and it switched to another dream, completely random yet way better than the one before.

•Chapter 1 complete•

Apologies if some things don't make sense and that this chapter is short. It's currently very late on a school night and I'm tired, but decided to publish this regardless. I promise to write more in future chapters.

And before you worry, this story will have a happy ending! Though, the story won't really end, after the main story I'll accept requests and make oneshots, holiday specials included.

Anyways, hope you guys somewhat enjoyed the first chapter, have a great day!!

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