- ieva meilutytė -

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name: Ieva Žydrūnė Meilutytė
age: 28 (Season 1)
birthdate: 08. March. 1985
birthplace: Klaipėda; Lithuania
ethnicity: lithuanian/german

zodiac: pisces
height: 5'4"
hair color: black
eye color: green
skin color: pale

sex: female
gender: female
pronouns: she/her
sexuality: bisexual

Žydrūnė Meilutytienė (Mother)
Jone Meilutė (Father)
Ivan Jone Meilutė (Brother)

Beverly Katz
Brian Zeller
Jimmy Price

love interests:
Will Graham
Margot Verger
Brian Zeller

job: Student/Scientist at the Behavoral Science Unit,
specialized in Forensic Anthropology and Entomology.
Later, she specialized herself in killing people.

first appearance:

psychological profile:
"Signs of Sociopathy. She has impressive empathic skills, but a bit different than Will.
But, she has also sadistic tendencies and is very intelligent."

- Dr Frederick Chilton

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