- ethelda mott - roanoke

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name: Ethelda Hollace Mott
age: 30
birthdate: 08. March. 1762
birthplace: Great Britain
ethnicity: british
species: ghost

zodiac: pisces
height: 5'7"
hair color: blonde
eye color: brown
skin color: white

sex: female
gender: female
pronouns: she/her
sexuality: straight

Arleigh Fiona Mott (Mother)
Caldwell Philippe Mott (Father)
Edward Philippe Mott (Brother)
Gloria Mott (Descendant)
Dandy Mott (Descendant)

friends: /

29. October. 1792; Roanoke Estate;
murdered by the Roanoke Colonists

Ethelda Mott was the twin-sister of Edward Mott. She was always there for her brother, when he needed her. As he outed himself as gay, she was the only one of their family, who wasn't against him and moved with him to North Carolina, where they build the Roanoke Mansion together.
1792, the colonists of Roanoke killed the Mott-siblings in the Roanoke Mystery.
In the Series My Roanoke Nightmare. This reality show told the whole story around Roanoke.
With the cast of Audrey Tindall and Rory Monohan, the show was a total success.
Ethelda Hollace Mott was played by the actress Elaine Nikolaidi.

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