name: Wanda Belen Elsher
age: 25
birthdate: 08. March. 1988
birthplace: New Orleans; Louisiana; USA
ethnicity: americanzodiac: pisces
height: 5'5"
hair color: red
eye color: green
skin color: palesex: female
gender: female
pronouns: she/her
sexuality: bisexualpowers:
Telekinesis; Pyrokinesis; Transmutation; Hypnosis;
Astral Projection; Conciliumfamily:
Lydia Belen Elsher (Mother)
Adam Elsher (Father)friends:
Zoe Benson
Cordelia Goodelove interest:
Misty Dayequals:
Fiona Goode
Myrtle SnowWanda is a strong and powerful witch with wit, and sarcasm. She's easy with spells
and magic because of her really relaxed nature. That's why Misty did fall for Wanda.
Wanda is mesmerized by Misty's magic. She isn't scared or jealous of Misty like Maddison.
Wanda is never scared of anyone. Even Fiona can't give her the creepes.
Wanda just wants to learn with Zoe and the others and also wants to help other young witches.

My Characters
FanfictionI love to create new Characters. Mostly for Movies. I create for Franchises like Marvel, Hannibal or Harry Potter, but i would also do Solo-Movies. I mostly do my own Characters, but i would also love to take Requests.