Prologue : What Could Go Wrong?

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The day was warm and sunny with more beautiful weather to come. Birds were singing, flowers were blooming, it was the epitome of a perfect day to be outside. 

Yeah, no thanks.  

I sighed in annoyance as the screen began to buffer again. 

I just wanna watch some cool edits...and probably cry over them...

I clicked off the video and scrolled down YouTube. I had already watched most of the results, and there were few active channels with Danganronpa Another content. I kept scrolling on my computer, wondering what to watch... when a certain video caught my eye. 

It showed a pixelated Monokuma waving on the thumbnail...

No, actually waving. His hand moving side to side despite the fact that I wasn't even previewing the video. 

What the hell is this...?

The video had no title. Not even a period. 

I debated on clicking on it, but decided not to. There were better things to watch. 

I scrolled back up and refreshed the page. 

The mysterious video was the first result. 

Why? It has no views. It doesn't even match my search. Why does it keep showing up?

I refreshed again.

And again.

And again.


"What the hell?" 

On the screen, the search bar was replaced with, "Don't ignore me, Y/n."

The video was the only result. 

I moved the mouse to click off the tab, but the red X was gone. 

I spammed the escape key. 

To my relief, the tab closed, and my desktop wallpaper stared back at me. 

What the hell was that... Some kind of virus?

I reached up to close the laptop, but a small screen popped up.



The noise sounded like a mix between a glitch, and a zap. The instant the sound resonated through my room, all lights shut off. I bolted to the door, grabbing the closest item in case this was some kind of break in, or if computers were rebelling against humanity. 

I banged on the door. It was locked. My own bedroom door was locked. I felt for the lock, but felt it unhinged. 

The door wasn't locked, it was jammed. 

The lock became illuminated by a bright light. I turned to see my laptop, now on my bed and facing me. Monokuma grinned at me from the screen. 

"...Found you! Puhuhu!!"

With his signature laugh, Monokuma lept at me, jumping out the screen like it was just a small tunnel. My whole room was dark. I couldn't see anything except for a fictional robotic bear jumping at me like I was a security guard. I used every bit of my strength to pry open the door. 

The door opened with a yank and I bolted in, feeling claws narrowly miss my back. 

The moment I entered the door, I felt blinded and saw a bright light. I covered my eyes and jumped at a voice behind me. 

"...Hey! Are you okay?" I swung around, expecting to see my bedroom door, which I had walked only a step away from. Instead was a large hallway and a familiar boy curiously looking back at me.


The boy looked at me with a mix of curiosity and fascination. His red hair, his yellow vest, his standard school uniform. I knew this boy. 

This is Yuki Maeda. 

No, this is Utsuro pretending to be Yuki...but he doesn't know that yet...

"Um, hello?"

"Yu- I mean...uh..yeah! You! um... do you know where we are?" I squeaked out, almost blurting out his name. 

"I just arrived myself, so I'm not sure where to go either. Are you here for the entrance ceremony?"

"....Yes." What the hell is even going on!? How do I get back to my room?? This is NOT how I wanted to spend my Saturday...'ll call him Yuki for now, was looking around the room in awe.

"Wow- The interior... There wasn't much information about the facilities, so it's my first time seeing these." I looked around the room myself. The floor had a checkered design with fancy red curtains on the walls. Two columns in the center of the room held golden lanterns, lighting the room that was already filled with sunlight. 

"Are you ready?" I heard Yuki ask me. 

"Huh?" I noticed he was right in front of the stone looking door. 

"We should head to the entrance hall. There should be other ultimate students there." He gave a nervous smile. I heard his whisper something under his breath. 

"Nervous?" I asked him.

"A bit." He admitted. "But I'm sure they'll be good people."

Well, technically, it's you who's not a good person..

He gestured out the door and opened it for me. I took a deep breath, one that he assumed was from my nerves of meeting my classmates, and stepped inside. What I saw was-

I couldn't believe it. Everyone was there. The whole cast, besides Kisaragi, was there. 

"Huh? More people came!" 

"I heard that there were 15 students this time...but I guess this makes 16..weird. I guess we must all be here." 

"Hello! You're freshmen too, right?"

"What are ya doin there? Heh Heh, cmere!" 

It's's really them..

This is real...I'm in a game...I'm in a danganronpa a fangame!?

Yuki walked across the room to them. 

They greeted him and began to talk again. They weren't pixelated, they weren't 2d, and they sure as hell didn't seem fictional anymore. 

I am really here...

...No this isn't their real first day, and the killing game is about to start...

"Hey, are you gonna come over here?"

"Don't worry, we don't bite!" 

Their voices...I'm hearing their real voices...

With my heart pounding, I took a step forward. And another. And another until I was standing with fifteen people I thought were fictional. 

I guess I better introduce myself...

A/n: okay, sooooo, yeah, this story is similar to my V3 story, but with DRA. Rest assured, there will be different plot points and events. This is being made mostly because DRA is underrated and I don't want the characters to die. I'll probably put my V3 story first, but might update this story more if people actually like it. Feel free to comment your thoughts.

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