in which sherlock and john sleep in.

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It was a chilly autumn morning. John was still asleep. And Sherlock, well, Sherlock was in deep thought. He was wearing his blue robe, sitting on his chair, hands steepled on his face, thinking. We're never sure about what Sherlock was thinking, but the gist was, why John made him happy. He never was aware of John slowly taking away his stress. But he did, and Sherlock let him. It was always teamwork betwen the two of them. Teamwork they are never fully aware of. It just happened naturally. Like breathing. Or blinking. Or the beating of your heart. Or the way Sherlock fell inlove with John the first day he met him. Or the way John occupied almost most of his brain.

Or the way he memorized the little things about John.

Like the way he fell asleep, the way he looks like when he's asleep, his jumper size, the way he likes his tea, his favorite book, the way his eye color changes from a pale blue to ocean blue, how his lips form when he says 'Sherlock'. And even how long he takes in the shower.

"Sherlock?" A sleepy, disoriented John stumbled into where Sherlock was. Sherlock was immediately alert. Deducing on whether John had a good night's sleep or not. The answer was the latter.

"What's the matter, John?" Sherlock asked, walking to John who was now seated on their couch.

"Nothing. Just a nightmare, is all." Sherlock can tell, he had bags under his eyes, his hair was ruffled more than usual, he even had his robe tied up all wrong. Sherlock suddenly felt a twinge of worry. He crouched down so he was eye level with John. John then pat Sherlock on his shoulder. "I'm fine, Sherlock." He even gave Sherlock a sleepy smile. Sherlock's heart swelled. He thought John was so cute. He looked like a hedgehog of some sort. He immediately recomposed himself, afraid that John might see his vulnerable side. He had so many slip-ups. He can not afford for John to see his weak side again.

"No. You are not fine." Sherlock announced. He gave John his hand. And John took it. "Let's go back to bed." John, being a bit drowsy, nodded. "Carry me." He mumbled, making grabby hands at Sherlock. Sherlock couldn't help but smile at this. It's of pure affection of course. When he smiles, it's always because of John and the strong feelings he had for him. When he was miserable, it's always because of John and the strong feelings he had for him. Or you know, unintelligent people around them.

Sherlock then reached out for John, placing his hand on either side of him and telling him to jump. Placing John's legs on his waist and John closing his arms around Sherlock's neck afterwards. Sherlock trudged to his bedroom, all the while kissing John on his neck and telling him that he was so beautiful. Sherlock just had to take advantage of this moment. With John so somnolent. John didn't even complain, he just laid his head on Sherlock's shoulder. Listening to Sherlock's every word. He was flushed. He's never been this flattered before. Maybe it was such an honor to be carried and complimented by the Sherlock Holmes. He always thought he was special to Sherlock. But that thought was always brief and never acted upon. After all, it was Sherlock. Tragically desolate, imperious, tenebrific Sherlock.

They arrived at Sherlock's room. Sherlock sighed for a bit and then put John on his bed. Almost immediately, John reached out for him and pulled him down on his bed.

"John what-"

"Sh. Sleep." John was forcing Sherlock to face him sideways. "It's a Saturday, Sherlock. Let's sleep in." John then leaned forward and kissed Sherlock on the forehead. "Sleep." Sherlock eventually gave in. But not before staring at John's relaxed features. His smile lines were at rest. His nose was giving out little puffs of air. His lips were closed but slowly opening as he slipped into sleep. He looked so peaceful. So innocent. Sherlock couldn't resist it. He leaned in and slowly kissed John's lips.

Fortunately, John was still half-awake and he catched that kiss. He kissed Sherlock back, rolling on top of him. He wasn't straddling Sherlock. Just simply on top of him. And Sherlock let him. They kissed again. And again. Until Sherlock was satisfied and he then rolled John onto his side again. "Let's sleep now, my dearest Watson." Sherlock whispered.

"Let's." John whispered back.

And when they woke up next to each other, they were both fully content in what they had and what they are.

a.n.// hello! in case any of you get confused, chapters 1-5 has a story line, but here onwards has no storyline. hope you enjoy reading this as much as i enjoyed writing this! thanks!

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 24, 2015 ⏰

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