Chapter 7: Sokovian Hotel

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(Peter P.O.V)

We sent Yelena the footage through our contacts, and we were also packing for our trip. "But what about here in New York, who'll protect it?" I asked Wanda, I was getting paranoid but Wanda kept on reassuring me, "I've got a plan" Wanda said, her hands started to glow. She then conjured another version of me, it was fully functional and it could even talk like me. "WOW, that's cool" I said, "It's how I made Vision in Westview" she said, I looked at her, "What?" I asked. "I made Vis from my memories, and my magic, after studying the dark hold for a long time, I learned how to do it perfectly, he thinks like you, he acts like you, he even has your same feelings" Wanda explained. I was amazed, she could do that on a whim, I was freaking out so much that it made America and Morgan come out of their rooms. "What the heck, another Pete?" America asked, "Wan Wan, that's so cool" Morgan said as I picked her up, "He's just temporary so he can protect New York while we're helping Yelena and her associates, I'm scared to know who they are" I said honestly, "Me too" Wanda said. Suddenly the phone rang, "I GOT IT!!" America yelled and zoomed to where the phone was ringing, "I'm never gonna get used to that" I said as America came back with the phone, "It's Yelena" she said handing the phone to her friend.

"Hello?" Wanda asked and walked off, I just looked at the flash drive, "Why would Felicia want to steal that? It's a big help" America asked, "I don't know, maybe just for reasons?" I said, "Or maybe for a more sinister reason" America added. I looked at my friend, she might be right. Morgan looked at the room where Wanda was in talking to Yelena, I had to pick her up again. She giggled her cute giggle and I smiled at her. "So, where do you guys think we're going?" I asked the group. "I don't know, maybe England" America suggested, "TOONTOWN!" Morgan yelled. I laughed at them, "I don't know, but hopefully it's somewhere I've never been before" I said hopefully. "Ukraine, where Sokovia was, we'll be meeting Yelena and her associates there" Wanda said walking in. "Sokovia, isn't that your home country?" I asked, "Yes, it will be a lot to be back there, but I hear that its completely rebuilt, even if Sokovia was turned into other countries" Wanda said, "It would be cool to visit, maybe you can finally introduce me to that place, I've been curious ever since the relief meal I had when I was in school" I explained. Wanda smiled at me, "Okay then, I've already called someone to come take us to the airport" Wanda said as she picked up her suitcases with her magic.

We got the front door and saw a familiar car, "HAPPY!" Morgan yelled, Happy got out of the car and smiled at us, "Wanda called me?" he asked, "Yeah, we need to go to the airport" she said, we soon saw 'Spider-Man' swinging, "GO SPIDEY!" I yelled. Wanda smiled at me, "You now where the airport is?" she asked, "Yep, that place never lets me park right in front of it" Happy said. "Its handicapped parking dude" America said speaking out. "Hey, I don't know this one" Happy said, "This is America Chavez, a friend of ours" I said. "Nice to meet you Mr Hogan" America said. Happy smiled at the 13 year old girl, "Forgot you had to detox" he joked, Wanda shook her head as I came out with the bags, "Oh, you're the kid from May Parker's grave" Happy said pointing at me, "Yeah, I'm Peter by the way, forgot to introduce myself" I said lying through my teeth, Wanda could tell it was hard subject for me, I put the bags in the trunk and started to cry, I felt a hand on my shoulder, Wanda looked at me with newfound sympathy. I smiled at her, and she smiled back, America was playing with Morgan in the backseat, "I spy with my little eye something beginning with, G" America said, "Umm, Grass?" Morgan guessed, "Nope, try again" America said.

I stopped listening when Wanda tapped my shoulder, "Hey, so what's this shelter about?" she asked, "What F.E.A.S.T?" I asked, "Yeah, it seems interesting" Wanda said, "May Parker used to work there, she was amazing, you would like her" Happy said. Wanda looked at me, I was hanging my head low as to hide my face, she could tell I was feeling sad. "It's a homeless shelter, I was gonna take you there since I go there often, but I thought that everyone heard about what happened" I said kindly, Wanda smiled at me but our moment was interrupted by a certain laugh, we turned and saw America telling jokes to Morgan, "You'd like this one, what's Beethovens favourite food?" she asked, I cocked an eyebrow, "Ba na nas" she sang in the usual Beethoven 5th symphony tune. Morgan was laughing, Wanda and I were smiling and even Happy was smiling. "So anyways, before I went out, she said one thing that has stuck with me ever since, 'With great power comes great responsibility', it's what drives me to be the person I am today" I said, Wanda's eyes turned sad, "If only I had heard those words, then all of the bad things I've done would've been prevented" she said, "Yeah but, you wouldn't be the girl you are now without those bad experiences, you learn through your mistakes, and you never would've met me" I said jokingly. Wanda half smiled because she knew what would happen, "I'm sure I would've met you regardless" she said. I had to process that and I saw Wanda smiling.

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