Chapter 15: Kidnapped

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(Peter P.O.V)

No words could describe how pissed Wanda and I were at those two, "We told you to stay here!" I scolded, America backed away but Teresa stood up, clearly defiant, "We aren't little kids, we just wanted to help" she said, Wanda took America to the side and talked to her gently, but I was still scolding my sister, "So since you're an agent, all you think you can do is just defy my orders?!" I yelled, "AMERICA AND I WANTED TO HELP FIND VENOM, WE FOUND ANOTHER EDDIE AND VENOM ON ANOTHER EARTH, WE GOT TO KICK SOME MAJOR ASS WITH HIM AND HE TAUGHT US ABOUT THE SYMBIOTE, IF YOU THINK THAT'S DEFYING ORDERS, YOU CAN KISS MY PALE ASS!" Teresa yelled, America looked at her surprised. Wanda was also surprised when she looked at me, I was also shocked at the way Teresa stood up for her and America. "Even if I did defy your orders, I helped out, like it or not this is who I am" she said with a look that made me uneasy. Her blue eyes were filled with determination and resolve, "Okay okay, but never do something so crazy again" I said holding my hands up, Teresa just growled at me. 

"America told me what Eddie's variant told them, the symbiote corrupts those who have a different view unlike them, which is why you went crazy at Eddie." Wanda explained, I looked at Teresa who was looking smug as she smirked and cocked her eyebrow. "Told ya" she said, I just rolled my eyes at her as I turned to Wanda, "So what do we do?" I asked, "We find Wong, and tell him what happened, and you guys try to get as much sound causing and fire causing stuff. Since they symbiote can't stand fire as-well." America explained. I nodded as America and Teresa left to head to the sanctum, "Those two, so stubborn" I said, "Yeah, but you can't blame them, they only know heartache and pain in their lives, Teresa grew up with an abusive father, and America lost her mothers in the multiverse. So being headstrong is the way to go for those two" Wanda said. I hugged her as I sighed, "What am I gonna do with her when this is over?" I asked, "She'd make a nice roommate" Wanda said, "NO!, She'd put on metal music on max like nobody else was there, that's what Li told me" I said. Wanda just laughed as we pulled away.

We approached Miles and Ganke, who were watching Tom and Jerry with Morgan. "So, Teresa's cool right?" Ganke said, "DUDE! Not a good time" Miles said, "No it's fine, sometimes I still can't believe she's my sister" I said. I looked over at Wanda, she looked like she was having a bad headache, or a big hit on her cramps. "Wanda you okay?" I asked, Wanda looked terrified, it looked like she's seen a ghost. "Oh no" she whispered, "What is it?" I asked, "Pietro, he's in trouble" she said. She soon got up and transformed into her outfit, I ran to the closet and changed into my suit, I was worried for Pietro, and for Wanda, since she's still impulsive when it comes to her brother. I swung out the window and decided to follow her, "WANDA! WAIT UP!" I said, "What took you so long?" she asked, "Just a little caught up in something, I'll help" I said, "Thanks Peter" she said and kissed my masked cheek. We soon found Pietro, he was standing by the wall, "Are you okay?" Wanda asked, but Pietro shot her with a tranquilizer dart, "HEY!" I yelled, but Pietro shot me as-well. 

(Wanda P.O.V)

I woke up tied to a table, "Well done agent, we finally got her" I recognized that voice, it was Tyler Hayward. I looked over and saw Eddie tied to the table, "Oh it's you" he said, "Look Eddie, we can help you, you just have to get rid of that symbiote" I said, "Nice try, besides it's Spider-Man that needs to pay, not you" he said. Hayward and Pietro entered the room, "Pietro? Why?!" I asked, "I thought you were smart Maximoff" Hayward said as Pietro's face changed into someone else, a S.W.O.R.D agent that was close to Hayward. "What do you want from me!!" Eddie yelled, "That symbiote, and Wanda's power, it's clear that you two are dangerous to those around you, I plan to get back at Captain Rambeau and the CIA who destroyed my life" Hayward said, I tried to break out but to no avail. "Don't even try, power nullifying technology is the new normal" the agent said. "Now, to remove that plague" Hayward said, and a loud speaker came on. Eddie was writhing in pain, I could see that the symbiote was in pain also as he jumped out from Eddie's body, "VENOM!" he yelled, "You won't get away with this, Spider-Man will find us" I said, "Likely story, he's never finding us again" Hayward said.

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