Chapter 9: Weird Dreams

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(Wanda P.O.V)

After we finished swimming and took showers, I went to sleep, I soon found myself in one of my variants body, I didn't know what earth it was on though. Billy and Tommy were running up to me, "Mommy, look what we found" they said as we walked out in the yard, we saw a little birds nest with baby birds inside, I could tell it was Earth 838, "Aww, that's so cute" Billy said, "Yeah, can we hold them mom?" Tommy asked, "I don't think that's a good idea, your aunt tried that once and the mama bird went crazy on her" I said, "That's Aunt T for ya" Billy said, suddenly I heard thwipping, "DAD!" Tommy yelled, it was Peter and he came back from a mission, "Sorry I'm late honey, Kingpin nearly pulled out the sword on me" Peter said, "Thank god he never did, did you take him out?" I asked, "Nope, he got away, but we did catch some of his cronies" Peter said, suddenly we heard a baby crying, "Uh Oh, I got it" Peter said as he ran into the house, I looked at Billy and Tommy as they saw the mama bird come back and feed her chicks, "Its so beautiful to watch" Billy said, "Umm sure if gagging up bug parts is beautiful" Tommy said with sarcasm in his voice, "You've been learning from your uncle" I said, Peter walked out with an adorable baby girl in his arms, she had short red hair and brown eyes, I could tell she was mine and Peter's daughter, "She's awake" Peter said as he carried the baby girl to me, "Hi May, did you have a good nap?" I said to the baby, she smiled and when I said the name May "Mama" she said in a baby-like way, "THAT WAS HER FIRST WORD!" Billy yelled, "Aw man" Tommy said as he gave Billy 5 dollars. Peter and I laughed at the twins' antics, "I love you Peter" I said, "I love you too babe" he said and we leaned in, but I soon woke up.

I was weirded out about that dream, so much that Peter woke up just as weirded out as me, "I had the weirdest dream, I dreamed that Billy and Tommy were our kids and we had a baby daughter named after Aunt May" Peter said, "Me too, although it wasn't a dream" I said, "What?!" Peter asked dumbfounded, "It was our variants, we can see through their eyes in a dream, America doesn't dream like the rest of us, that's why she sleeps a lot longer than the rest of us" I explained, Peter quickly nodded, "That explains why I was kissing a woman named Mary Jane in one dream, and fighting alongside a Felicia variant in another, those guys must be Peter-2 and Peter-3." Peter deduced. I nodded to say he was correct, "We need to visit Wong and Strange, to see if your corruption is actually disappearing, it could help" Peter said. I instantly became afraid, "No, I don't know if he's recovered for what I did" I said, Peter sat next to me, he was halfway dressed, he was wearing jeans and socks, but no shirt. "Hey, America's forgiven you, and Wong lives in New York so I bet he's seen you help out Spider-Man, and while we're at it, he can also explain Pietro's reappearance" Peter said. I calmed down, and Wong did agree to help me detox, so it's better late than never.

"Sure, it makes sense that we fly home tomorrow, and we can focus on what we have to do, heck we can even show America and Pietro the roots of your labour, and maybe even find out what happened to Strange" Peter said, we got changed just as America and Morgan left their room, "Who live in a pineapple under the sea?" America sang, "SPONGEBOB SQUAREPANTS!" Morgan sang, Peter and I chuckled at them, we soon got downstairs to the lobby, Teresa was talking to Pietro, "So you really took down a dangerous operative with your bare hands?" Pietro asked, he was leaning forward and he was smiling, "Yeah, I even broke his spine, left him paralyzed from the waist down" Teresa said while smirking, I looked at Peter who was weirded out, "And she's your sister" I said to him telepathically, Peter couldn't hold back a chuckle. Teresa and Pietro looked at us, "Сестра, ты наконец-то разбудила этого паука, (Sister, you've finally woken up the spider)" Pietro said in Sokovian, it's another form of Russian with different slang, kind of like British or Scottish. "Да, извините, мы опоздали (Yeah, sorry we're late)" I said back, Teresa looked confused, "Was that Russian? she asked, I breathed a sigh of relief knowing that Teresa didn't understand what we were saying, Peter soon jumped down the stairs, "Well, we're headed home to NYC, you two wanna come with us?" he asked, "I kinda have to, me being your sis after all" Teresa said.

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