Chapter 11: Old Loves and New Friends

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(Peter P.O.V)

When we finished playing Quiplash, we started witching some of Teresa's favorites. The first thing she showed us was a movie that was pretty darn gruesome. "What is this Tess?" America asked, "Evil Dead, best thing I've seen in the theatre" Teresa said, America was covering Morgan's eyes so she wouldn't be scared, Pietro and Wanda were hiding behind pillows, and I was holding a lamp as a weapon. "Did you survive the snap?" I asked, "Nope, my adoptive parents moved away before I was taken in by S.H.I.E.L.D" Tess said, "You were a little kid?!" America said, "Yeah, looking back that's not a good thing" Tess said. Pietro and Wanda let go of their pillows, "Don't you think that it's a little.......violent?" Wanda asked, "Yeah, it's a little much, can we turn it off?" Pietro asked, "Fine.....put on Full House" Teresa said, "Awesome" Pietro said as he changed the channel. We all calmed down as Teresa fell asleep, "Are you sure she's your sister?" Wanda asked, "Well she did say she was abused by her adoptive parents, she had to learn to fight since she she was adopted, she was taken in by Maria Hill at 8 years old, and she joined S.H.I.E.L.D when she showed her proficiency with guns" America said, "Whoa, how do you know that?" I asked, "She told me while we were unpacking her room." America said.

I just laughed when I looked at the tv, but Wanda was crying, "You okay?" I asked, "I just.....*sigh*" Wanda said, "What?" I asked, "I miss Vis, I....I need some time alone" Wanda said before teleporting away, "Did she just?" Tess asked, "Yep, she can do that" America said, "I gotta go find her" I said, but Tess held me back, "Hey, give her the private time, if that was me I'd kick you in the taint" Tess said. I decided to take some fresh air anyways, as I left F.E.A.S.T, I thought about Wanda, and why she was still hung up over Vision. I know that she's still suffering from grief, but hey, what's grief if not lover persevering, right? I decided to look for her, with a little help. "Hey I.R.I.S, can you help me out with a little something?" I asked. The AI turned on and talked through my watch, "Sure Peter, activating protection mode", "NO! I meant to look for Wanda, I'm worried about her" I said, "Wanda is on top of a mountain deep in unknown territory, a large temple was destroyed not too long ago on that mountain" I.R.I.S said, "AW C'MON!" I yelled, I knew she was talking about Mount Wundagore, and I instantly ran towards the Sanctum at top speed.

I soon got to the sanctum but not without a pit stop to get chips, I knocked on the door and Wong answered, "Ah, Peter Parker I presume" he said, "Yeah, look I need help with something" I said, "What is it? Lost phone? Got a wart? Need a big birthday cake no questions asked?" he asked, "What the? No! Wanda's at Mount Wundagore" I said exasperated, Wong's face became confused, "Why would she be there? The temple was destroyed" Wong said, "I know, but why would she go back there if the temple was destroyed?" Peter asked, "Did she say anything to you?" Wong asked. I thought over what she said, "She said she needed some time alone" I said honestly. Wong nodded his head as he took a look, "She's in the rubble of the temple, destroying it out of anger" Wong said, I looked at him weirdly, "Why would she do that?" I asked, "I think you should get that answer" Wong said as he opened a portal to the forbidden mountains. "I.R.I.S, turn the heaters on max" I said as I jumped through the portal.

(Wanda P.O.V)

I yelled as I destroyed the rubble around me, I soon dropped to my knees and begun to cry, "Vis, I miss you" I said, "I miss you too" a voice said, I looked up and saw Vision, he was white but it was still him. "Vis? is this really you?" I asked, "Yes, and you know that I am not the Vision you once knew" he said, my face soon fell as I remembered what happened when I found him previously with Rhodes, I started to cry, with all the hope I had that Vision would come back, it's all gone, Vision touched my arm as I begun to cry. "Wanda, I can see that you and I had some good times, but those times are over" he said in his calming voice. I looked at him as he kept going" I know someone else is in your heart, and also swinging towards us" he said pointing behind us, I looked behind me and saw Peter swinging, he looked like he was scared out-of-his-mind."WANDA!" he yelled, I was confused, how did he get here? "Wanda, I'm sorry but I must go, know you will always be the best part of my life, but it's time to move on" Vision said, "NO! DON'T LEAVE ME!!" I yelled extending my hand out to him, Peter soon landed next to me and took off his mask, he was freezing in the cold weather. "Was that Vision? Because he's whiter than I remember" he asked jokingly, "Yes it was" I said giggling, but Peter noticed I was feeling something else, "He was telling me I need to move on, but I can't, he's still here but not here" I said sadly, Peter was confused, "I thought you were gonna re-build this place, and then take over the world" he said jokingly, I couldn't help but giggle. "I know you're suffering Wanda, to be honest I am too, but hey, what's grief if not love persevering right?" he said holding my hand, I looked at him, Vision said those exact words the moment I fell in love with him.

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