Can't 🕯️the hunt begins

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Hunter rammed into the door and it opened. "I can't go back. I won't go back!". Sprinting for the tree line he slipped on dead leaves. He crashed to the Titan with a fall that knocked his breath out.

"Hunter!" Luz yelled

Scrambling to his feet he saw the shadowy figures of 3 witches. Guards? Kikimora? Belos?!

"STAY AWAY FROM ME!" He yelled and the figures vanished into the night.

Darious turned to Rain  "We need to help him."

" Darius by the looks of things the emperor will be suspicious of spies. We have to get back. Or else the day of unity is inevitable." They slowly shook there head. "I'm sorry Darius. But this is for the good of the isles. Either we go help him and we scare him even more and then we also need a place to hide. Or" the paused. " We go back to the castle." Darius growled followed by Eberwolf. " And pretend for a little longer that we are loyal to the throne. In a position where we can get Intel and sabatoge plans"

Darius looked at Rain. They were right. As usual. "I can't abandon him. He can't end up like my mentor.". Rain put their hand on Darius's shoulder. "We aren't. Eda will take him in if he knows he can hide there."

"I can't-"

"You can." Rain smiled. " And we have too."

Hunter collapsed into a vipervine tree. Chirp. Flapjack? Chirp. "Flapjack" Hunter whispered. A gentle weight of palisman talons landed on his knee. " I-i'm sorry. I'm sorry Flapjack."


"Yeah we need to hide." Offering out his palm the bird hopped in.

The castle was over the chest. Furthest place from that was the toes. Though he could try palm stings. The knee was too cold without the proper equipment and he needed to keep Flapjack warm. The head of the Titan was sacred but that made it the last place that Uncle Belo- no.

No not Uncle. Whatever Belos was he was not Hunters family. He was a liar and a murderer.

Everywhere was too risky and he still needed a place to crash... And then it hit him.

The one place he had ever felt like a kid

Where he had made friends.

Where he felt safe.

He turned his feet too Hexide.

"What happened to the other guards? To our family! It wasn't wild magic was it."

Belos sat on his throne. The Titans heart thumping above him. Hunter. Hunter Hunter Hunter. You had to make another mistake. "Collector."

"We really have to find a different game." a childish voice cackled from behind a pillar.

"He knows." 

"Who?" Painting the ceiling with question marks the face spun in the center.

" My grimwalker"

The collector cracked shrilly. "Poor kid. How'd he figure it out? Nevermind. What's your plan on getting him back?"

"Getting him back?"

" You know we need a grimwalker right? Duh 🙄" the collector sat on the arm of the throne and arched till his head was on the other arm.

"I'll just make a new one."

"Can't." The collector said simply.

" Oh and why not?"

"Need palistrom wood." The collector gestured to a pile of ashes in the corner. And the galderstones went missing"  the collector started flickering up fingers as he counted them off. "And the-"

"I understand. We also need a moon cycle and the tide is too soon." They didn't have time or the resources to make another. Partially greatful that the brat survived his inner self Phillip Wittabane smiled. It had been a while since he'd led a witch hunt.

Taking a mirror in his hands he asked the collector a simple question. "Just how powerful are you?"

The collector snaked up the arm and into the mirror. A face that was not his own winked at him from the wooden frame.

"Where is the boy?"

A panicked 16 year old was lying against a vipervine. He was talking to someone. Oh Hunter. "I'll be seeing you soon."

"Guard" Belos called out.

Steve entered.

"Spread the word amongst the scouts that I'm looking for the golden guard. Send a battalion to the owl lady's nest. I have a Nephew to find"

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