Labrynth prt 2

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Gus entered the gym. He was the last one there so he had to stand at the back of the crowd of students. A low chatter hummed among the students. Gus couldn't shake the feeling that he was being watched. He glanced around the cluster of students but everyone was either in a conversation or eyeing those on stage.

Three people where on the raised platform. Principal Bump, his track teacher, and a stranger in a hood.

Principal Bump cleared his throat "Uh, students, teachers, let me introduce the esteemed-"
The hooded figure interrupted him. "Please principal bump I deserve no accolades." He removed his hood and continued." Hello everyone my name is Adria gray. Head witch of the illusionist coven."

A collective gasp flooded through the students. "Unfortunately I'm not here with good news. The emperor's coven has plans to stop multitrack studies. By inducting every hexide student into a coven before the day of unity." Gus watched as many students shrank ever so slightly away from the stage. Watching Viney gripping her sleeves as if keeping the colors meant she wouldn't have to choose or maybe if she held on tight enough the colors wouldn't fade to gray again. But no one had a bigger reaction then Mattholemule "MOTHER TITAN!". He in fact tore of his sleeves and threw them to the ground. Gus believed he had joined mixed tracks extremely recently.

Bump seeing his students distressed was quick to ease there worries. " Don't worry. No one's magic is going to be sealed away. Head witch Graye supports us and is here to help." He finished with a reassuring smile. Matthalamule slipped his sleeves back over his arms silently blushing.
Edric was pulled aside and to the stage. He seemed hesitant.

Graye began to explain " before any coven scouts come by I am going to make illusions of sigils on your wrists. They'll be temporary and harmless." He assured as Ed was guided up and positioned.

He was clearly unnerved " whoa whoa whoa wait wait I just started the other tracks. Are you sure this is safe?"

"Don't worry" Graye smiled as he gestured to his own wrist. " once a scout sees the fake sigil they'll move on and you can continue your studies in peace" taking Edric's wrist he spun his finger drawing a circle. " now hold still".

Gus watched from the back. He was handy with illusions maybe if he figured out how they were doing it he could begin marking those in the back with fake sigils too. But something was wrong. Gus squinted and leaned forward. A glimmer. 

He gasped. "Stop!" Edric and the witch in front of him stopped and stared.
"Don't trust him! He's hiding behind an illusion!" Gus said rotating his arm he drew a large circle and forced it out with both hands removing the glimmer. And the illusion.

Now seeing himself at the hands of a coven scout with a sigil gauntlet Edric yanked his wrist away and stepped back. Bump and Professor Puck (couldn't find the teachers name so I snagged this from midsummer night's dream)
Both adults ready to defend their students.

"Cut!" The word cracked through the air echoing around the gymnasium. " just cut" it was Adrien Grayes voice.

Poof, poof, poof, scout after scout blinked into existence as the illusion was withdrawn. There was equipment not unlike human film equipment that Luz had taught him about. Gus and the rest of the school soon found that they were surrounded.

There was laughter and another poof revealed a second Adrien Graye. " alright couple of notes." He stepped down from a chair. And began critiquing his team. " Tom that Adrian illusion was lacking a certain... Hmm? You get me?" The scout shrugged "I don't know."

"Severine, that was really poor work. You're on thin ice." She lowered her equipment and hung her head. Gus had been paired with a student like this for a group project last year. He felt a strange pity. Graye suddenly vanished then reappeared immediately next to Gus grabbing the boy's arm. " and you. Well you ruined any chance we had of making this, something." Graye gestured vaguely with his free hand.

"You were going to trick us into getting sigils!" Gus pulled and twisted his arm but the Coven head held tight. "Yeah," the gauntlet was placed over Graye's empty waiting hand. " I work for Belos. Kind of my job." His gloved fingers flexed and the sigil for abomination coven glowed in the palm. " but let's make sure you can never use your little illusion tricks ever again."

If the glove touched him Gus knew he would never be able to do anything to get out of the sigil. He would be trapped into a coven, a coven he would never belong in. Amity had read him messages from Luz this morning. " day of unity something something". He had to do something. Anything to keep away from Graye's ever nearing hand.

"No! Stay back! I said Stay BACK!"
Oh no not again.
A ripple of blue glow washed over the entire gym. Rotating images circled around the students and scouts. Graye drew back in shock but if anything he gripped the young witch tighter.

Hunter followed Agustus stealthily. He waited just out of sight from the door. Watching the skirmish transpire he took a step forward and froze.

(Trigger warning ⚠️ panic attack)

His breathing drew heavy. All he could see was the emperor's coven symbol on every guard as they materialized. Belos. Philip. Witch Hunter. Grimwalker. "What a shame". A palismen shrieking in pain. He knows. Uncle. Golden guard. Hunter.

But then he was shoved through a shower of snow. He was shivering as the panic began to lock his limbs. He couldn't breathe right. He forced air in and out.
(End of trigger warning ⚠️)

There was a blast of blue that almost startled him off his feet. His feet began to move. Carrying him into a hurricane of illusion and students.

"How are you doing this!" Graye he recognized the voice. He was gripping Gus. And had a hunger in his eye. Hunter had seen it at his staff ceremony. Graye had glared at him. Hunter recalled smirking under his mask. Believing himself to be superior. Graye had this look when he wanted power. When he craved success. And when he was willing to hurt to get it.

Hunter knew Gus was in danger. Speeding to a run he pushed aside Adrian and gripped Gus's hand. They couldn't do anything but run.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 19, 2023 ⏰

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