Labrinth pt 1

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Hunter had tried to begin a schedule of sorts. He would hide out for a while. Till well till the day of unity caught up with him. Who knows maybe it wouldn't happen. Hunter didn't know why he was needed. But he did know or was told that he was being ... Preserved for the Titans plans.

The day progressed and Hunter had planned 3 escape routs and ran them between classes. He almost fell down a flight of stairs as he neared them and hadn't been ready to stop.


He spun his arms to balance.

"Who's there?" A voice called out.

Hunter froze. Why had he yelled?! Stupid stupid stupid! Flapjack was resting in the nest. He was alone and about to be discovered. The clacking of shoes across the shiny floor.

"I know I heard someone. What are you doing out of class." Hunter recognized the voice now. Skara.

"Coven scouts have to check in with the principal before they can roam the school you know."

Hunter frantically looked at the two paths he could take. He removed his shoes and began a quiet run. She wouldn't hear him running and wouldn't think that there had been anyone there. He had just made it around the corner when her footsteps stopped.

" Get it together Skara." She whispered at herself.

Hunter sighed and jogged the rest of the way to the nest. He wouldn't be risking another outing next class. Hunter decided on some leasure reading. After all there wasn't a deadline. He pulled out a book that he had snagged from the library.

(Who remembers this?)

Shaken from his dazed reading he put his hood up as a stranger entered his nest

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Shaken from his dazed reading he put his hood up as a stranger entered his nest. Following Flapjack. Oh no they didn't. He hid in the shadows as a villains form followed Flapja- Gus?

Still hiding in the shadows. Recognized friend but a friend he had helped try to force into a coven. Yeah that relationship may have been a bit rocky.

Hunter stepped out of his hiding spot. He was greeted with a

" What are you doing here golden guard?" Gus was armed with his palisman and Hunter decided mysterious and "bad boy" was the way to go.

" Wouldn't you like to know. But rest assured Gus I-" Flapjack had landed on there nest of stolen goods. This upset a pile of books which caused Hunter to freeze. The noise attracted Gus's attention. He saw the nest. Crap.

Hunter stepped in front of the mess blushing vividly.

Gus seemed to relax and lowered his palisman. " I'll ask you again, what are you doing here? Hunter." Hunter. His name. Gus was not an enemy but he could not be yet considered an ally. Growing up in a coven had made the 16 year old weary of witches.

But still...

Flapjack pulled at his hair. Ow owowowow Fine!

" My living situation has been.. compromised. Maybe!. So I just needed a place to crash. Temporarily! Hexide was the only place I could think of."

Nailed it.

"How vague of you. Do you know where Luz is by any chance." She was missing. This was bad he owed her his life. "She's not with the owl lady?".

An announcement shot from the speakers. "Students please join me in the gym for an important anouncement"

He took a few steps toward the door. But then he stopped. "I'm not sure what your going through but that much hex mix can't be good for your stomach." Gus gently tossed a lunch box to Hunter it looked similar to a selkedomus. He opened it to see that there was a meal that had been packed with care. Gus left looking back. Hunter rubbed his eye earning a look from Flapjack. "I'm just- I'm just hungry." He took a bite into the sandwich and smiled.

Gus entered the gym to listen to this important anouncement.

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