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Belos may have been consumed by magic but he was still smarter then these witches. Neither a human nore a grimwalker had the power to enter a mind. That required the magic of a witch. And since the owl lady had no magic it had to be from another powerful witch. Or witches.

Seeing that the best of the best became the heads of covens and taking into account the "BATT's". It was likely that the traitor was a coven head.

Darius had a weakness for the boy on account of his history with the previous guard. But he had stayed distant from Hunter as far as Belos knew.

Rain had actually been the leader of the BATTs. But with Terras help they should stay out of trouble.

Kikimora? Impossible she hates the boy.

"I hope you are all readying yourselves for the day of unity my friends."

Murmurs of agreement.

" The day is fast approaching head witches. I encourage you all to gather more recruits. I plan to send you to schools to help these young witches find there covens now. Before the day of unity ." They were given there assignments and they left.

Watching out of the corner of his eye Belos saw Terra give Rain a dose of the tea. They blew on it to cool it down before they tipped the cup upwards and drained the liquid. The  bard was going to Glandus with Terra. She would keep an eye on them. Darius and Eberwolf would be patrolling the streets. Eberwolf worked alone and would probably dismantle any partner given, but Darius was going to guide 2 new scouts.

Keep your friends close. Belos thought to himself. And your enemies closer.


Hunter began breaking his way through rumble weeds. In the darkness of early morning. The sun hadn't even fully risen.

Flapjack landed on the ground in front of Hunter and - and fell right through.

"Flapjack!" Hunter dropped to his knees and reached into the.. whatever it was that Flapjack had fallen through. Feeling nothing and getting desperate he held his breath and forced himself to plunge his face into the forest floor. It passed over him like water. And not a boiling water but a chilled water. When his face surfaced he found himself in a bright and sunny day?

Flapjack gawked at him questioningly. Hunter returned the gaze.

A much younger patch of rumble weeds lay behind him and a figure was walking past him. It was a witch with long hair and ... Rounded ears?


The man turned at the sound of Hunters voice. "Who's there?" The human said coldly. 

Flapjack chirped. "Hello there little friend." The human looked around. "All alone little one?" Hunter was about to step forward and get this human away from Flapjack. " Would you like to come home with me?" The human held out an arm to the little bird as Hunter stood from the time pools as hidden in a shadow.

Flapjack scooted back away from the human.

"Fine then." The human seemed to burst out of his skin as an abomination like substance shot from his hand toward the palisman. The mud coiled around a frantically chirping flapjack.

Hunter stared in shock for a moment. And then shock turned to rage. He had Flapjack. "Let go of him you monster!"

Hunter planted his palms on the ground and pushed himself at Phillip Wittabane. Phillip turned to see the witch attacking him. " I wish you hadn't done that boy." Belos dodged a punch and Hunter was thrown off ballance. Phillip swung his arm around until he held the boy in a sleep hold. Hunter began clawing at the man's arm. "Sh sh sh" the man spoke softly.

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