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Darius gave Raine a look. Rain shook their head. The little prince wouldn't survive against the scouts. Not alone. Thank the Titan Steve can't keep a secret for very long especially not from a coven head.

The Emperor dismissed them and Raine winked at Darius. They would meet tonight.

The little prince wouldn't make it. Scouts would be headed to the owl house. If Darius just got there first-

"Head witch?"

Darius turned to see the two scouts he'd been assigned.

"Names?" Darius inquired lazily.

"Parker and-" the one on the right began

"I'm Sam." The one on the left interrupted excitedly.

"How will I tell the difference?"

"We'll only be assigned till the day of unity." Parker excused.

"Perhaps." Darius said. "But I would like to know you two better."

"Really?" Sam squeaked. Sam pulled off his mask. He was a small witch couldn't have been older then 17. He had pink hair and a silver chain entwined in his hair.


"Yes head witch?"

"If you wish to remain in your uniform, I understand."

"Thank you head witch." Parker nodded.

"You are welcome and thank you Parker." Parker was surprised that Darius had said "thank you in return"

"Now head witch where should we look for recruits?" Sam said excited. They walked through the halls. Sam bumped into an urn that fell to the floor about to smash-

It fell atop a patch of soft clovers.

"Thanks Parker" Sam said replacing the urn right side up.

"Be careful Sam." Parker's finger swirled and the clovers vanished.

Darius had to figure how to shake these two if he was going to make it to the owl house before the scouts.


"Well that was one heck of a morning." Eda rubbed her temples with one of her hands severed.

"I know Edalyn." Lilith came in with a cup of tea.

"And you haven't even heard about last night."

"Well sounds like something happened. With this Phillip character."

"Wait till you hear about the flowers. Apparently I've got a secret admirer." She sketched quotations around the words 'secret admirer'.

"Well I'm not going anywhere. Tell me everything."

"Well Luz got herself and the golden guard trapped in the emperor's mind and we're trying to get them out and Hooty brings in some flowers and says there from a secret admirer and drops them in this." Eda held the container so her sister could see a tiny bit of the potion left. "And then when we bring them back the blonde runs out." They sat in silence as Lilith anxiously waited for more.

"And then this morning Luz told us everything she'd seen. Poor kid needed an adventure right about now. I'm glad you convinced me to get her out of the house."

"Well someone had to be strategic." Lilith playfully elbowed her sister.

"Eda. You've been very stressed lately. Let's take the day off." Lilith suggested

Eda spit out her drink. "Who are you and what have you done with Lilith Clawthorn?" Eda smiled and raised an eyebrow. Her sister shrugged "I'm feeling rebellious today".

"Open up owl lady." A knock at the door.

"Bones and dirt" Eda reattached her limbs and grabbed Owlbert.

"I'm gonna regret this." Eda pulled her eyes shut. She grabbed Lilith's hand. "Hold on were going to the basement hold your breath Lil."

They ran down a flight of stairs and fell into a canal of water. Lilith splashed around. "Eda what is this?"

She answered in two words "Hooty's work".


1 hour ago ✨

"Now Parker I want you to observe the park. Any students skipping school you take note I'll be joining you after I give Sam his instruction. Sam." Darius turned to face Sam. And Parker headed to the park. "Library. There should be some younger witches around there. Be friendly and inviting. Help them find what they like. I'll come and check on you soon." Sam saluted spun around and bumped into a wall.

Both would assume he was with the other but he didn't have long. Darius sped into the woods, summoned an abomination, and fashioned a steed. The creature raced through the trees as Darius begged the Titan for Hunter to be waiting for him at the owl house. Let the scouts not be there yet.

The house was fairly quiet. Darius approached the door and knocked. "Owl lady open up"

He had tried to intimidate her into opening the door. Clearly it wasn't working. Well Raine wouldn't have fallen in love with someone that would give in easily.

"I'm here about a member of the Emperor's coven"

He peaked through the window and saw the inside. Clearly this was not a family that had regular cleaning habits.  He saw drawings on a table but couldn't make sense of them.  Then on the floor in the corner of the room was Hunters hood. The house appeared empty.

" Oh little prince where are you?"

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