Book I, Act I: Ashes, Chapter III

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Edited by: Bieverdog AO3: GalavantingGoose and ultimatebookworm08

Book I


Act I: Ashes

Chapter III

The brightness of Sozin's comet still bloodied the sky. As the colors washed over the Capital, the citizens gathered outside to witness a spectacle of fire and light illuminating the city in bright orange and blue. Little did they know, they were watching a fearsome duel for the throne. Some in the growing audience even cheered. Many assumed they were witnessing the celebration of the Princess' coronation until a lightning bolt thundered. Silent tension reigned for a moment. Fires spread. The Home Guard roused itself, trying to stop the panicked crowds and attempting to put out the fires.

Zuko and Katara exchanged uneasy glances. What were they going to do with Azula now? She was still, her breathing normal, but she lay on the ground, staring blankly.

"Do you think this is another one of her tricks?" Katara eyed Zuko with a serious expression, her blue eyes betraying a hint of worry.

"I don't think so. She looks so..." He trailed off, his eyes remaining on his sister.


Zuko shook his head and, with watchful eyes on Azula, he whispered to Katara, "It's just that... I've never seen her like this before. I don't know what's happening to her, but I'll find out. For now, we need to put out the fires before they spread further. At least until we get some news from the others."

She interlaced her fingers, looking expectantly to the crimson horizon.

"I hope they're okay."

A group of soldiers approached, accompanying the High Sage. The old man seemed out of breath. He motioned the soldiers to stand down and stood forward. "Prince Zuko, We come to pledge our loyalty to you. We await your command." The sage bowed, and some of the soldiers followed.

Others darted their eyes around, unsure. One pointed. "They captured the Princess!"

"Traitors!" some voices shouted in the back.

The rebels rushed for the princess. Zuko blocked them with a wall of fire, groaning in pain as he moved to create the flames, but he was unable to close the gap entirely. Others began to fight with the ones who had bowed. Katara joined the fight, trying to separate the soldiers from each other with water tentacles while Zuko fended off two lunging spears. After knocking the other to the ground with a blast of fire, he managed to disarm one of the soldiers. The fire sage covered his head and pleaded for the soldiers to stop, to no avail. The prince bent two flaming whips, trapping them in flames. "Enough! My sister challenged me to an Agni Kai and broke the rules; I've earned the throne honorably! The world has suffered enough under my father's rule. Today, the Avatar will end Ozai's reign of terror. Tomorrow, our nation and the world will be at peace. Together, we can restore the honor of our nation. There has been enough bloodshed already."

The soldiers' anger dissipated. Some looked ashamed, and others grunted reluctantly, but they all lowered their weapons.

The prince sobered his tone. "There is still much left to be done today. I need to speak with your commander."

"The princess jailed him earlier today, Your Majesty; those earthbenders took him."

What? What was she thinking? He cleared his throat. "Then I order him released. Now put out the fires before they grow out of control! Alert the Fire Watch if they aren't already responding. Katara, would you please go with them? There might be wounded. I'll find you once I talk to the captain."

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