Book I, Act II: At What Cost?, Chapter I & II

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Edited by: Bieverdog AO3: GalavantingGoose

Book I


Act II: At What Cost?


Chapter I

Zuko looked at the crowds chanting his name and applauding, but his mind just wasn't there. He might have brought peace to the world, but it had only made the thoughts of his mother resurface–

An elbow to his arm made him snap out of it. Aang was smiling. "So, what's in store for His Fireiness, Sifu Hotman?" But Aang's smile faded when he saw the troubled look on his face. "I was just teasing, Zuko." The Avatar held up his hands in surrender.

He sighed heavily. "It's not that, Aang. Ever since the day of the Black Sun, I haven't stopped thinking..."

"About what?" He raised his eyebrows

"My mother. She could still be alive after all these years..." Zuko's eyes trailed off, focused on a distant memory. His expression softened. "My father told me he banished her. I don't think he told me the whole truth."

"Maybe you could try speaking to him again?"

A soldier caught his attention. "Your Highness, pardon the interruption; your guests await you at the palace. Your coach is ready whenever you want to leave." He nodded to the man, who resumed his post.

Zuko turned to his friend. "You go ahead, Aang. I'll join you guys later at the palace."

"What are you going to do?"

His eyes were filled with determination. "I'm paying my father a visit."

The people had gathered on the streets to see their new Fire Lord. His guards were clearing a way through the throng. Zuko peeked through the window, spotting the Capital City prison in the distance, and sighed, pondering what was to come. The last time he had seen his father, he had tried to kill him. Knowing that Aang had taken his bending didn't help his nerves, but at least he was no longer afraid of that man.

Outside the prison stood Warden Ming. Bowing, she escorted the new sovereign inside. Before parting ways, she gave him an encouraging nod.

The hallway wasn't empty like his last visit. Guards were posted at every corner of the prison. Zuko couldn't give himself the luxury of being lax now; after all, the "Phoenix King" had ruled yesterday.

At the end was his father's cell. In front of it were a dozen soldiers. Ming was serious when he told her to ramp up security. The guardsmen opened a narrow path for him and opened the reinforced steel door.

His father's shadowed face was hidden behind lank hair. "I should count myself lucky. The new Fire Lord has graced me with his presence in my lowly prison cell."

"You should count yourself lucky that the Avatar spared your life."

"Hmph." He turned his back to him.

"Banishing me was the best thing you could have done for my life. It put me on the right path. Perhaps your time in here could do the same for you."

"Why are you really here?" The disgraced Fire Lord sounded uninterested.

"Because you're going to tell me something." Zuko leaned closer to the bars. "Where is my mother?"

The man smirked mischievously. "You ought to bring me some tea, Zuko. We'll talk while sipping from steaming little cups, much like you did with my traitorous brother. I'll give you advice on how to be a good Fire Lord. Wouldn't that be nice? Perhaps even the subject of your mother will come up."

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