𝘼 𝙘𝙤𝙢𝙥𝙚𝙩𝙞𝙩𝙞𝙤𝙣 𝙖𝙣𝙙 𝙨𝙡𝙚𝙚𝙥𝙤𝙫𝙚𝙧

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Hello!! First story in this booklet!! Wooooo!!

Ship: Drake

Genre: Fluff (gets a little heated)

Ages: 16


Jake sat in the music room on a desk in the back with his legs crossed. He decided he would get to the music room early so he doesn't get scolded by Zander or Hailey for 20 minutes, knowing the competition was in 2 days. As the competition came closer, the days seemed shorter. And that's exactly not what Jake wanted. Jake decided not to confess to daisy after the competition, but instead drew. His best friend since the beginning of high-school.

Hailey walked in after 20 minutes of Jake being there completely zoned out. "Jake? Why are you here so early?" Hailey questioned him. Jake snapped out of his wonderland and stared at Hailey. "Huh? What??" Jake said with confusion. "I said, why did you get here so early?" Hailey repeated herself. Jake giggled and stayed silent, if he told the truth, he would be lectured for that. Hailey rolled her eyes and started to set everything up. Shortly after Luke and Zander came in. "Hey Jake! Hey Hailey!" Luke greeted them, Zander smiling and then glaring at Jake. 'I just don't understand what he has against me' Jake thought to himself.

Once everyone go there, they started practicing. After awhile of practice, they decided to have a break. Jake started talking to Hailey while Zander and Luke flirted with each other and Milly had an annoyed look on her face. Milly sighed and turned her head towards Sean. "So! Sean, planning on confession to daisy soon?" Milly said out of the blue. Sean blushed but quickly covered her mouth. "S-shut it!! They don't know and Jake likes daisy!! So no!!!" Sean whispered-yelled. Jake stared in horror at Sean. "Y-you like daisy?" He said quietly. Sean looked him guilty and upset. "Ummm n-no... ok yes.. I do. But I had no plans on asking her out!!" Sean admitted. Jake just smiled. "It's ok... she is very sweet, it's easy to catch feelings for her. I say go for it Sean!!" Jake tried his best not to sound happy happy, they didn't want people to think he was... whatever he was? Sean was surprised but walked over to Jake and hugged him. "Thanks man. You're the best" Sean smiled as he said that. Jake hugged back, and whispered, "no... thank you." So only Sean could hear it. Sean looked confused up at him. (Jake is on a higher desk, so Sean was technically hugging jakes lower back.)

Jake put his finger up to his own mouth, as in a way of telling Sean to not say anything. Sean nodded and turned around. "To answer your question Milly, I am now planning to tell her after the competition." He let out a shaky sigh. Milly cheered and Luke clapped with a smile. "Jake, you're ok with that?" Zander questions Jake. "Of course I am!!" Jake said, showing a big grin. Zander smirked, "so... why'd you give up on daisy then?" He said with a snicker. Jake blushed and his eyes widened, he couldn't tell them!! He couldn't tell them he was gay either. "N-no reason!!!" He quickly stammered out.

       Sean started to question Jake. "I have a question Jake," Sean sighed out, "it's about drew." Jake's cheeks tinted a soft red color. "What's up?" He let out a smile. "Do you like him?" Sean let out. The club looked surprised at the question. "Of course I do!! He's my best-friend!!" Jake said with a confused look on his face. Sean sighed "not like that... I mean like... wanna make out in his bedroom kinda deal." Sean said with a bit of a smirk creeping up on him. The club started to blush at the thought of that happening. Milly turned super red and turned around. It took Jake a minute to process what Sean just said, and when he finally realized, he turned redder than Milly's hair. He quickly covered his face and didn't respond. Sean laughed, " I KNEW IT! I saw you guys get really close by your locker the other day. You were super red when he smiled at you!!" He let put the biggest smile and chuckled. Jake hopped down from the desk and lightly punched Sean. "S-shut up...." Jake said with a little stutter due to embarrassment and how obvious he was. Hailey let out a small laugh, 'wow Jake? You were that obvious?' He thought to himself. "wait... YOU'RE GAY!?" Hailey screamed, and with Jake's luck, drew so happened to be passing by. Drew quickly opened the door and looks at Jake. "You're WHAT??" Drew yelled quickly. Zander looked upset and groaned, rolling his eyes as well while going back to Luke and cuddle him. Hailey glared at him, "no barging in, we're in the middle of practice, get to class or something." Hailey said. Jake frowned and gave him a 'I'm sorry!..' kinda look. That didn't stop drew. He walked over to Jake, grabbed his waist and pulled him down from the desk so he was shorter than him. "I'll leave when he answers my question." He sets his hands on his own waist and stared down at Jake. Jake just remained flustered. Hailey sighed and answered for him. "Yes, he is very gay, he is very gay for y-" Jake quickly covered her mouth and glared at her. "I kinda wanted a response from Jake..." drew huffed. Jake looks at him, and sighed. "Yes drew, I'm gay." He closed his eyes shut and looked down while still covering Haileys mouth until she licked his hand. "EEWW WHAT THE FUCK??" Jake yelled as he quickly pulled his hand away and rubbed it in his pants. Hailey laughed at him. "Well, drew, you got your answer. Now leave. We have to practice." Zander said with a cold glare. Drew rolled his eyes and left to go back to class.

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