𝙄'𝙡𝙡 𝙨𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝙛𝙤𝙧 𝙮𝙤𝙪!

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This was requested by: m1chaelaft1n

I think that this is a creative ship, or at least an uncommon one!!

Ship: Jake x Liam

Genre: fluff (gets alittle heated (that's a favorite ig😂))


Jake was at the music room alone, he stayed after, Sean wasn't in school today so he couldn't clean the room. Tomorrow was jakes birthday, and it was Saturday, the perfect way to have friends over!! The music club and Jomies can stand eachother now, so atleast it won't be awkward, just playful fighting!! As he was sitting in the room, Liam entered. "Hey Jake!! You excited for tomorrow?~" liam said with a musical kinda tone. Jake giggled as a tint of blush went on his cheeks, "yes I am!!" He said towards his crush. Honestly, Jake just recently found out he liked liam and not daisy. Really screamed bisexual. "Wanna listen to music with me liam?" Jake asked, he was sitting on a desk and was swaying his feet back and forth. Liam nodded and walked over to Jake, hopping onto the desk right beside jakes. Jake put the earbuds into Liam's ears.

Jake started humming and continued swaying his feet back and forth. Liam couldn't help but stare at the beautiful figure beside him. Liam didn't realize how long he was staring at Jake, and Jake finally noticed him staring. Liam was more zoned out so he didn't notice Jake staring back at him with a tint of blush on his face. "Uhm... Liam?.." Jake stammered out, Liam was brought back to reality and quickly apologized. "I'm so sorry!! I was zoned out and don't realize I was staring!" Liam said quickly, so Jake only caught onto the 'didn't realize I was staring' part. Jake giggle and Liam smiled as a tint of blush brushed onto his cheeks. 'Wow, Jake is so cute' Liam thought to himself. He slowly moved his hand over to Jake's and connected their pinky's. Their pinky's linked together and Jake stared at Liam. "Hey liam?" Jake called for him. Liam looked up nervously, thinking he made a bad move. Jake leaned in and kissed him, Liam was surprised, it was a small kiss. Jake backed up and they had a long, some what awkward, starring contest. They leaned back in this time together, jakes hands went to both sides of Liam's head and Liam put his hands near Jakes chest on the sides. The kiss was more passionate this time, and was also rougher. It was messy since it was their first kiss together, but they ignored how bad they were and soon caught onto a rhythm. Jake pressed his chest against Liam's and Liam tightened his grip around jakes sides. Jake let out a soft quiet moan, due to how tight Liam was holding him. The kiss became heated, Liam started to try and get into jakes mouth by biting his lip for permission, Jake smiled and didn't open his mouth. Liam knew that he was being teased so he brought his hands down and squeezed jakes thigh. Jake let out a gasp and Liam sneaked his tongue into Jakes mouth. They were fighting at this point with who would be the dominant in the relationship, Liam won. Jake moved his hands to the back of Liam's head and grabbed some of Liam's hair.

They separated and were trying to catch some air. Jakes birthday was tomorrow and this was gonna be awkward around their friends after such a weird, BUT PASSIONATE, moment. Liam sighed, "I'm sorry, Jake.. this will be weird tomorrow.." Jake giggled, "want me to sing for you? It might make you feel better, also it's okay.. I really liked the kiss!!" Liam blushed and nodded, "I would like that, and I liked the kiss too.." Jake smiled more and went over to the mic, he sang a happy and positive song to brighten up Liam's mood, and so it did. It was very nice of Jake to do such a thing for him.

I am so sorry, this is bad but I felt bad for not publishing it sooner so it became rushed. I hope you like it!!


Author, OUT!!

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