𝘿𝙞𝙛𝙛𝙚𝙧𝙚𝙣𝙩 𝙠𝙞𝙣𝙙 𝙤𝙛 𝙢𝙪𝙨𝙞𝙘

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Hello!! Second story in this booklet!!!
Requested by: YunaMayLuker
Thank you for the request!! Also please do give me more information on your request... I can't just do it right off the top of my head unless you ask me to. All I need is a genre and at least a glimpse of what you want.

Ship: Sake/ sean x jake

Genre: fluff (gets a little heated)

Ages: 16-17


Jake was at his locker, he was grabbing his books for his next class, it was lunch time but he left early since he wasn't actually craving food. 'I'm gonna regret that later..' Jake sighed to himself in a funny tone. Not soon after the jomies showed up. "Whatcha up to Jake?" Drew asked with his hands in his pocket. "I'm getting my books for my next class and visiting my boyfriend on the way." Jake said not looking at them, he didn't like to talk about his boyfriend around them because they always gave weird glances to each other. He could already feel their eyes looking away from him and back on him. "Well... you do that, see ya later Jake! Use protection for anything in the future." Drew said with a wink and clicking noise at the end. Jake blushed madly and put his head in the locker. 'Omg omg omg omg, me and Sean doing that? I couldn't see that happening!! I mean maybe in the future?? Sean doesn't seem like that!!' Jake thought to himself, kinda panicked. After he finished getting his book, he walked to the music room. When he walked in, he saw his very handsome boyfriend. "Hey babe!" Sean waved at Jake as he said that. Jake was still red from Drew's remark and turned just a bit redder from the nickname sean gave. "H-hey sean!!" Jake stammered out, 'shit, god Jake you suck at this' he glared down to the floor. "Are you ok Jake?" Sean asked worried. Jake quickly nodded with the biggest and genuine smile. "I'm fine, it's just a remark that drew said. It's kinda just replaying in my head." Jake huffed out. "Can I know this remark?? Pleaseeeeee???~" Sean was practically begging, he knew how to get to Jake. "W-well.. uhm... erm... I told them I was coming here to meet you before class and he said 'use protection for anything in the future' or something along the lines of it." Jake finished saying, not realizing he only used one breath. Sean blushed, "so you've just been.. imagining us having sex?" He didn't wanna so weird but he just had to ask Jake that. Jake turned super red at this point and covered his face. "W-WHAT?! NO!!!" Jake screamed out. Sean laughed, knowing that was a lie. "Chill... I'm playing with you, though, I wouldn't mind if you are." He said, blush creeping up on his face more. Jake just looked down and he was super red.

10 minutes of silent or awkward conversation

The bell rang, jake had to go to class now. He ran over to his boyfriend and kissed him on the cheek. "Bye babe!!" Jake yelled out as he ran to his class. He was so in love with Sean, it was unreal, to bad he was leaving next year for college. Jake sighed at that, but he promised himself to go the same college as Sean.

Jake was sitting at art, the only person he knew in this class is Hailey. Him and Hailey were chatting while waiting for the art teacher to show up, but instead of her, it was a substitute. We had work online that we had to do, it was a art project, we have to draw something like summer. Me and Hailey decided to be partners and started drawing. I was sketching some flowers and she was working on the background. I finished the flowers and decided to draw a little kid that looked like Sean picking some of the flowers. He had a yellow shirt with a blue overall. He slightly blushed as he was thinking about Sean, and Hailey noticed. She rolled her eyes and nudged him, "you're in love huh?~" she said with a little smirk. Jake looked at her and blushed. "O-obviously... he's my boyfriend!!" Jake whisper-yelled. She giggled and went back to drawing. She continued to tease Jake here and there, making him turn red with her remarks, but eventually the conversation went normal and they started talking about the whole club in general.

At practice in the music room

Jake and Hailey just finished singing their part. It was nice and relaxing because the song was positive and not being romantic. They felt good and had awesome moods. After they finished practicing a couple more times, they took a break. They all talked about how much fun the practice was today, and everyone was in a good mood. Sean said he was in a good mood as-well but his face said otherwise, Jake just wasn't sure what Sean's face said. After everyone left, he stayed behind, but hid. He knew that Sean would most likely stay behind to clean up. When Sean started to clean up, Jake snuck up on him and scared him. "BOO!!" He says jumping from behind Sean. Sean practically fell over, he was breathing intensely as he glared playfully at Jake. "CMON JAKE! I WAS CLEANING!" Sean yelled at Jake, not in a mean or rude way. Jake apologized and went over to him. He put his hands around Sean's neck and kissed him, and not shortly after, Sean had his hands on jakes waist. Sean started massaging jakes side and lifted up onto a desk, and the kiss became more heated. There were tongues fighting and hands rubbing thighs to waists. Jake grabbed a handful of Sean's hair out of just reaction to the feeling. Sean pulled away, only thing connecting them was some saliva, they were panting intensely. "I locked the door." Jake admitted. Sean blushed "s-so you want t-?" "N-not yet!.." Jake quickly answered, "maybe when we're older..~" Jake admitted. Sean nodded and went up to jakes neck, he started licking, sucking, kissing, and biting at jakes collar bone and law line. Jakes breathing was aggressive and small moans came out here and there. "P-please don't leave an-any marks...~" Jake managed to escape. He felt Sean smirk and nod. It was all good until he heard knocking on the door, Sean stopped and walked over while Jake continued to sit on the desk. Sean frowned and came back to Jake, we should probably finish cleaning and start heading home huh? Jake nodded, and he honestly was enjoying the situation that just happened. Did he actually?... NO!! No he didn't.. not yet at least. They finished up cleaning and walked to Sean's house together.

Thank you for reading this chapter!!

Sorry it took awhile, I was at school!! 😅 I hope you like it🙂

Words: 1165



Thank you YunaMayLuker
For the idea

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