𝐎𝐧𝐥𝐲 𝐅𝐨𝐫 𝐘𝐨𝐮, 𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞.

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hello!! this is my first publish on here so it's not too good, but I hope it's ok :)
I hope you enjoy!! It's a student au, so they're meant to be highschoolers!!
Thoma fumbled sheepishly with his door and stumbled into his room, evoking a small giggle from Ayato. Speaking with a soft voice, his lips curled into a gentle smile as he lovingly continued watching the awkward boy.
"You're cute when you don't know what you're doing."
"Shut up." Thoma muttered, reluctantly letting him in and eventually closing the door behind them both. He had agreed for Ayato to stay over for the night - or more like had been persuaded into letting him. He couldn't lie, he wanted him there, but his annoying flirtatious comments made him slightly unbearable sometimes - yet also made him quite attractive to Thoma. He often shook it off however, refusing to accept his childhood friend made his heart flutter. He had made sure his dorm was impeccably organized - stacks of books layered neatly on oak shelves, his bed perfectly made without crease - it almost took Ayato by surprise.

"I didn't know you were such a neat freak." He laughed. "Honestly, it matches a smartass like you."

"What's that meant to mean?" Thoma snapped. He was having second thoughts. Was it really such a good idea to have invited him round?
Ayato, who was now leant against the wall, shrugged his shoulders. "Nothing in particular."
Thoma rolled his eyes, a small smile appearing on his sunkissed face. "You're such a confusing person." He slowly sat himself on the bed, taking care not to ruin the neat layout.
"I'm sorry - I know you were planning to sleep over for the night but I only have a single bed. It's either the sofa or the floo-"

The blue haired boy's light chuckle interrupted Thoma as he approached him, gently lifting his chin. "You know, for someone so intelligent, you really are clueless."
"I'm sorry?" Thoma uttered, his cheeks flushing a light pink. He didn't understand Ayato's implications, nor did he understand why his heart had started beating a little faster when he felt Ayato's hand. What was going on? He tried to divert his attention, but was helplessly unsuccessful, his gaze setting on the boy who towered over him. Why was he all he could think about?

A teasing smirk was stitched onto Ayato's face. "Well, you only have one bed. My three options are I sleep on the sofa, I sleep on the floor," He slowly moved closer to Thoma, who was now relentlessly staring into Ayato's amethyst eyes, mesmerized by how they were gleaming so brightly.
"Or I could sleep with you in your bed." He knew what he was doing, that he was flustering the absolute hell out of his childhood friend. He had intended for the flirtatious demeanor to be a joke, yet he was thoroughly enjoying seeing him like this. He found it quite cute before quickly shaking the thought off. Focus. "What do you think I want to do, darling?"

"I- well I-" Thoma could barely speak without stumbling over simple sentences. Why was he so flustered? Ayato was just a classmate, just a childhood friend, just someone he worked with - yet he couldn't take his eyes off the violet gems he was so lovingly staring into. His oceanic dishevelled hair somehow fell impeccably despite being so messy, like rippling waves of the vast ocean, and his pale skin looked so kissable in the dull illumination from the moonlight. He looked perfect. His playfully teasing smirk sent Thoma's mind absolutely crazy, racing with a million different thoughts and feelings - and all of them were about the flirtatious young man who was currently an inch or two away from his heated face. Why was he so charming? Irresistible, almost - and in that moment, the realisation had hit.
He had fell for him.

However, before he knew it, his thoughts were cut short by his own actions. He had lay down and pulled Ayato onto him quite swiftly by his collar, embracing him in a warm hug. He intertwined one hand into his surprisingly soft hair, the other wrapping around his waist under his loose shirt. He placed a kiss on Ayato's forehead, smiling against his warm skin. Two could play at this game.

"I know what you want, Ayato. And I can't lie to you, I want the exact same thing." He didn't understand where his sudden confidence had appeared from, and neither did Ayato. He let out a slight gasp, his dominant facade falling as his face flushed a deep crimson at the sudden change of pace.

"God you're so gay." He laughed, resting his head on the boy's chest. Why was he enjoying this so much?

"Only for you, love." Thoma replied softly. Realisation kicked in instantly. Wait. What did he just say? He panicked and grasped his hand over his mouth, instant regret sinking in. "Fuck! I'm so sorry, I'm so fucking so-"

He was interrupted by his hand being gently taken away from his face, soft lips replacing it and interlocking with his own. Ayato's lips morphed into a smirk against Thoma's as he relaxed into his body, kissing him gently but passionately.
"Swearing? My my, that isn't the normal tone from you, is it Thoma?" He chuckled. "It's quite attractive if I do say so myself." Thoma opened his mouth to speak, but soon closed it after his mind couldnt make up what to say. He was right after all, it wasn't the normal tone of him. But something about the handsome boy made him relax, let go of his academic and uptight persona. His eyes once again met Ayato's as he tightened his hold on him.

"You clueless nerd. You know I am too." Ayato broke the silence as he looked up at the flustered mess that had become of his classmate. He had let his hair down, it falling perfectly onto his broad shoulders like rays of golden sunlight and strands of melted honey. His viridescent eyes were gems, swirls of emerald and jade, so sweet and full of kindness - and in that moment Ayato realised he might have fell in love with the awkward boy. This wasn't just a game like he had intended; he had genuinely developed feelings for him.

Instead of trying to combat it, he chuckled and accepted his heart's desire, gently holding the beautiful boy's amber cheek before planting a soft kiss. "I am too." He whispered into Thoma's ear, before settling his head on his chest. "Only for you, love."



[1069 words]
Woo!! I might make this into a full au depending on if people enjoy this. Thank you for reading!! <3

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