𝐈𝐭'𝐬 𝐍𝐨𝐰 𝐨𝐫 𝐍𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐫.

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The annoying sound of a phone alarm blared and aggressively cut through the tranquil atmosphere of the apartment. Thoma slowly came round, still in a hazy daze, and picked up his phone to turn the screaming noise off. He rubbed his fatigued eyes and yawned softly as he looked at the time with half open eyes. Well, at least they were half open - now they'd grown as wide as anything as he read the time out loud.

"QUARTER TO SEVEN?! SHIT!" he threw his phone down onto the sofa in a fit of distress, realising he had less than 15 minutes before he was meant to be meeting Ayato. He ran into his bedroom, hastily looking for an outfit - he didn't even know where they were going, how was he meant to know what to wear?

A few minutes passed and he quickly decided on a smart casual look of a pair of black ripped jeans with a black t-shirt and a crimson red plaid blazer, finished with glistening silver chains and a gleaming, pristinely kept watch Ayato had bought him the previous year for his birthday. He smiled fondly whenever he looked at it. He readjusted his headband atop his head and took a quick glance in his mirror.

"It'll do." He stepped outside, groaning at the sudden downpour of pelting rain hitting his head. How could the weather be so versatile? He checked his watch. Five to. Running down the block of apartments, he checked each door as they were alphabetically ordered - T, S, R, Q, P, O, N, M, L, K - until he finally reached "Kamisato Ayato". Thoma raised his hand to knock but was greeted suddenly by Ayato hastily swinging open the door. His hair was in its usual messy ponytail, a cream blazer buttoned up over a tight dark blue turtle neck that was tucked into a pair of chinos.

"Good eve-" he stopped in his tracks as he looked Thoma up and down, his cheeks flushing a tint of light rose. A smile grew as he pulled him closer, locking lips with the blonde as Thoma's eyes widened.

"Hey! You only just met up with me! Save that for later!" Thoma giggled as he pulled himself away, looking at Ayato's fond smile.

"My apologies. However, you do look incredibly handsome - you're a little hard to resist."

"In that case, I'm surprised you haven't fell for yourself." Thoma smacked his hand over his mouth again, however Ayato simply burst out laughing.

"Shut up." He gently intertwined his fingers into Thoma's, holding his hand next to his side as he looked into the distance. His monotonous voice pierced the sound of the rain.

"Miserable weather, huh?"

"Yeah. Where are we going? Is the rain an issue?"

"A little bit. Not to worry, it won't affect it too bad. C'mon." He gently tugged on his hand, closing his door behind them.

The rain had picked up, clashing fiercely against the ground. It ricocheted and refracted off the glistening tarmac of the silent road, seeping through the cracks and creating intricate patterns. Drooping, dense clouds filled the atmosphere, however the solemn sight juxtaposed the two boys current moods. Happiness and comfort swelled between them both as they enjoyed each others company, their worries around them dissolving.

"Are we nearly there?"


They'd been walking for a while, though they were too engrossed in each other to notice.

"Okay. We're here."

Thoma looked around, smiling. "The beach? But the weather!"

"Yeah, it's not the best situation, but I still wanted to come here." He stepped down onto the soaking sand and held out his hand to Thoma. "may I, my love?"

Thoma giggled uncontrollably as he gently placed his hand into Ayato's. "Of course!"

They began walking down, their feet sinking into the sand faster than they could move. Their footprints sunk deep before they were peacefully washed away by the gentle lapping ocean waves rippling to the shore. Ayato broke the comfortable silence.

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