𝐃𝐨 𝐘𝐨𝐮 𝐑𝐞𝐦𝐞𝐦𝐛𝐞𝐫?

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Slightly, Ayato's heavy eyelids cracked open to the sound of his sweet voice ringing in his ears, like a melodious harmony that was constantly replaying in his mind. He revealed his sleep-filled, drowsy eyes to the boy next to him, who giggled back, admiring his chiseled features as he softly placed a hand on his cheek.

"Did you sleep okay? I hope sharing the single bed wasn't too uncomfy for you. You've been lying on me all night." Thoma's voice was perfectly raspy and crackled, the warm but broken tone sending Ayato's cheeks the same deep crimson colour they had been the night before. He had never heard Thoma speak so early in the morning, however instantly fell deeply in love with the sound.

"Don't fret. You were more comfortable than any bed in the entirety of Teyvat." The lopsided, loving smile that Ayato gave spoke all the words he was too exhausted to say to Thoma. He embraced the not so awkward boy, peppering his delicate skin with gentle kisses as he giggled uncontrollably.
"Heyyyy, that tickles!!" Thoma couldn't help but flush pink as he laughed, looking down at his "classmate". Despite having slept, he still looked impeccable. Locks of azure hair falling like waterfalls over his violet eyes - he couldn't help himself. He pulled Ayato in for a kiss, only to be interrupted by a violent knocking at his door.

Aggressively, he sighed. Hastily, he threw on a dressing gown to cover his messy, dishevelled uniform that he'd forgotten to take off the night before, ran his fingers rapidly through his golden blonde hair, and reluctantly opened the front door. Who could be here this early? "How may I help yo-"

"Thoma!!!" He felt a familiar pair of arms throw themselves around his neck, embracing him.
The short girl stood proudly infront of him, somehow wide awake despite it being the crack of dawn.
"That's me!" She giggled, her optimistic tone resonating within Thoma. He couldn't stay mad at her. They'd become close friends during their time here, and he had nearly forgotten about her early wake up visits - however she was still far earlier than usual.

"I'm really happy to see you Yoimiya, but what brings you here? It's barely 7 in the morning."

"Well," she started, barely containing her excitement. "It snowed a lot, and they've called a snow day!! Plus it's a Friday, so it's a long weekend!! How awesome is that?!" The bounce in her step was adorable. "But I came here because I was actually wondering if you wanted to spend the day with me and Ayaka?"

Her ecstasy was contagious. He gave her a small nod, a smile brimming. "Tell you what, how about I meet you at 10?" Thoma enquired. She nodded, and skipped away in pure happiness. How he wished to be as carefree as that girl.

He turned back to Ayato, once again melting at the sheer sight of him. How had they gone from classmates to lovers in all of a few hours? Had it been Ayato's charming personality? His wondrous way with words that tugged at Thoma's heartstrings? His handsome looks that were impossible not to gaze at, taking in every single detai-

"Thoma." Ayato snapped his fingers, startling him and pulling him back to reality. "Are you alright?"

"Sorry, yeah I'm fine. Just..." Thomas words trailed off, his hands encapsulating Ayato's waist. He pulled him closer, inches away from his face, and tucked a loose strand of hair behind his red ears before moving towards them, talking in his raspy, loving tone again. "Trying to figure out what made me so into you last night."

Ayato could feel his face burning up at Thoma's sweet words. For a boy who was so quiet and reserved, he certainly knew what he was doing when it came to this. He chuckled, holding Thoma's chin loosely between finger and thumb before interlocking lips. Irresistible was the only way he could describe him.

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