𝐃𝐞𝐚𝐝 𝐒𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐨𝐮𝐬.

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Ok quick cw there are some sexual jokes in a part of this one BUT I'LL PUT WARNINGS BEFORE SO IF YOU ONLY WANT THE FLUFF PART YOU CAN SKIP
(WN just means writers notes because I find it really funny)

"you...love me?" Thoma was pretty taken aback. His voice was barely audible and incredibly soft. Somehow, it felt different to being told he was in love with him - it felt more safe and comforting, more loving and sweet.

"Wasn't that obvious?" A small laugh escaped the other boy's lips. (WN: heartstopper reference eheh)

"Well, considering how much you like to make fun of me, no not really. I don't think giving me strange dango milk and putting sickening things in our hot pots screams 'i love you' to be honest. But, I love you too." Thoma chuckled at his own light-hearted comment. Ayato laughed also, wrapping one arm around Thoma's waist and using the other to hold his cheek gently in his hand.

"Well, maybe I just show my love in more weird ways than normal." He kissed the blonde's cheek and smiled. "Even if that includes making you sick sometimes. But I'm always there to care for you! You can't deny that."

"No, I guess I can't. Maybe I'll show my love differently too then." Ayato frowned at Thoma's words, confusion filling his head. What was he on about now? However, his internal thoughts were quickly shut off by Thoma making a ball of sand on the floor and hurling it at Ayato, covering him in soaking wet grains. He gasped, the feeling of icy cold sand seeping through his clothes instantly making him squirm, before laughing alongside Thoma.

"Fucking hell, you have weird 'new ways' of showing your affection." Ayato spoke. However he did the same back to him, covering him in sand also.
"And you don't?!" Thoma laughed. Before they knew it they were running around the beach, a parallel to the snow day just a few days ago, chasing each other around.

Ayato tried his same antics from the snow day, hastily running off from Thoma again knowing that the young male was on his tail. However the sand was a lot less easy to run on - it made him a perfect target. Thoma stuck his foot out beneath the blue boy and before he knew it he'd fell face first into the drenched golden grains beneath him.

-----(warning!! Nothing really happens but there's jokes about it( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°))-----

"Fuck!" Ayato lifted his head out of the sand and quickly brushed it all off, laughing heartily. "You absolute dickhead." He began to turn around, but as he twisted he was met with a pair of hands forcefully pinning him to the ground. Thoma was on top of him, playfully smirking as he watched Ayato flush in the face and his eyes widen slightly. He really could- and would- get used to this. He looked so...no, he couldn't think that. But he really did look...FOCUS. "What did you just say-?" (WN: ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) happy pride gays)

Ayato was very suddenly at a loss for words. (WN: the man was too stunned to speak) He looked up at Thoma "You heard me. You. Absolute. Dickhead."

Thoma moved closer to his ear, speaking lowly. "That's not what you'd say to me if we were in your bedroom right now."

The blonde's words sent shivers down his spine, however he wanted to get back at him. "And would I be calling you Thoma? Probably not, but we're on a public beach at the moment, not in my bedroom. Save that for later, eh? Though, by the look on your face right now, I'm not sure if it would be this way around." Ayato's quick and witty remark tagged along with his teasingly lustful smirk, catching Thoma by complete surprise. It sent his mind absolutely crazy, causing him to bolt upright, hiding his flustered face behind his sandy hands.

Ayato rolled his eyes laughing and got up behind the other, offering his hand out and picking him up with ease. "Stop covering your face, it's cute when you're all flustered. Especially when you're all nee-"


"Oh shut up." The blonde sighed as he stumbled to his feet - however, a small smile was playing on his lips, he couldn't deny that. Just as he got to his feet, the other raised an arm in front of him to stop him walking away.
"I...wasn't finished earlier."

"Oh! Sorry," Thoma exclaimed. "I didn't mean to interrupt you."

Ayato smiled at the kind boy. "Nothing to apologise for, but I need you to look at me."

Thoma obliged and turned himself to face Ayato.

Those eyes. They were oceans to Thoma, the waves inside of them rippling and colliding with each other in unison. The bright mauve gems glistened and basked in the golden light as the sun settled behind the two boys. In the warm lightning, Ayato's many faint scars were ever so slightly visible. Thoma reached up to gently hold his shoulder, knowing how much pain and suffering each and every one carried - but instead was greeted with a soft hand interlocking their fingers. For a clan leader, he certainly was soft at heart - and only for a certain boy that had stuck by his side.

"Look," he spoke finally. He pulled his and Thoma's hands down, using his other free hand to cup Thoma's face. He swiftly brought him forward, bringing their lips together once more. Gently pulling away, he spoke once more. "you might've caught onto why I insisted on coming here by now."

Being completely honest, Thoma was clueless still. He knew this beach held a lot of memories for them both, but why he would bring him here on a cold winter's day when it's raining he never knew.

"My god, you're so naïve sometimes." Ayato chuckled and face-palmed. Thoma guessed his blank expression had given it away that he had no clue; and so once more, Ayato pulled him closer, this time their faces merely a few centimetres apart.

"I want you to be my boyfriend, idiot."


Thoma's mouth stayed agape for a few moments, his head trying to process what was truly happening. "Seriously? Me?"

"Dead serious. You."

Thoma couldn't figure out whether he was going to laugh or cry from happiness. He poked Ayato a few times.

"What are you doing-?"

"Making sure this is real, duh."

"Oh my god, you're an absolute dork."

"Oh yeah?" Thoma smiled. "Well, I hope you like that. That 'absolute dork' is your problem now."


"I want to be your boyfriend, idiot." Thoma mocked the words of the taller, making him groan and laugh.

And with that, they brought the small gap between their lips to a close once again, sealing their fate. They didn't know what would happen, or what would be said about them - one of the most well known clan leaders in all of Inazuma, dating a foreigner? Thoma was well known to be Ayato's friend, for years now - but most people frowned upon even that. However, neither of them cared. They'd had each other for the past decade, caring for each other and being there for each other. That wasn't going to stop.

"I love you."

"I love you too, Ayato. Though you really are just a big softie, ya know?"

Normally, Ayato would've scoffed at such a remark, or made fun of it - however here, he simply couldn't deny it, and one last sentence escaped his lips.

"Only for you, my love."


AND WITH THAT THIS IS FINISHED!! this was only meant to be a short book, so I really hope you all liked it! Tell me some ships/xreaders you wanna see in the comments - I'm gonna be making a oneshots book soon, so I need ideas TwT Thank you all for your support on this <3 hope to see you soon! - Astro

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