𝐀𝐟𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐒𝐜𝐡𝐨𝐨𝐥.

446 13 13

"And that's how-" the loud ringing of the ancient bell interrupted the teacher, relieved sighs from everyone in the class heard as they hurriedly packed away their belongings. "Have a great night everyone."

Thoma hastily gathered his books, exhausted and desperate to get back to his dorm. The day had dragged. Waving goodbye to the teacher he rushed out the classroom, making his way through the labyrinth of students in the halls that all had the same desire as him - to get home, or at least what he called home. He kept his eye out in hope of Ayato whilst he hurried through the congested corridors (they had had different last lessons).

He got out of the doors and surely enough, just up ahead standing outside, there he was. The blonde couldn't help but hopelessly grin at the sight of the boy in front of him - despite only not seeing him for an hour, he had missed his charming, entertaining personality and his romantic remarks that made his heart undeniably flutter so often. He eagerly ran over to him and wrapped his arms around his waist as he embraced him tightly.


"That's me!" He giggled, nuzzling his head into the crook of Ayato's neck. He ruffled Thoma's hair and smiled. Turning and gently planting a kiss onto his temple, he evoked a chuckle from the embodiment of a golden retriever currently resting on his shoulder.

"That's...kinda gay." Itto laughed from behind them, patting Thoma's back.

"Good." Ayato monotonously responded, once again making all of them chuckle. Despite the day feeling like it'd lasted for hours and hours, it had been amusing.

"Well, I've gotta get home. Promised Daisuke another battle. I'll see you two love bugs- or onikabutos- tomorrow~!" Itto smirked, proud of himself for his joke. Ayato and Thoma laughed and waved him a friendly goodbye before interlocking their hands together, small loving smiles forming on both of their faces.

"Shall we get going too?" Ayato turned his head to face Thoma.

"Mhm!!" Thoma cheerily replied. They began walking as the sun beamed brightly down onto their faces, illuminating and highlighting every tiny feature. The wind whistled as it played it's harmonious melody whilst the two boys enjoyed each others company. Truly, it was bitterly cold, blades of icy air cutting through clothes - but the actual sight was incredible.


"Hmm?" He looked over to Thoma once again, however this time a look of concern had overcome his face. They were outside of Ayato's dorm and he stopped in his tracks before opening his door.

"Where were you this morning?"

"Oh. Don't worry, okay?" He kissed Thoma on the cheek and smiled reassuringly. "I'll tell you soon. Promise. Can you meet me here at 7 tonight?"

He nodded. "Of course! But promise you'll tell me what's going on then?"

Ayato smiled and nodded. "Promise. See you later love." He gently kissed Thoma before making his way to his dorm, Thoma doing the same. He was a few dorms down and as soon as he unlocked the door, he fell exhausted onto his sofa. He knew he had piles and piles of work to get done before going out with Ayato that night but he couldn't resist closing his heavy eyes. Before he knew it he had fallen fast asleep, unable to resist - it wouldn't hurt to have a few minutes, right?

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