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[I forgot this was a school au so I'm gonna add some school parts in :)]

"Good morning class! I hope you all had a fantastic weeke-"
The teacher was soon cut short by the classroom door aggressively flinging open, Ayato stood like a parched dog in the doorway. His hands were firmly grasping his knees, supporting his entire body as he tried to catch his breath as rapid as he could. He looked so dishevelled and messy yet Thoma couldn't help but stare, a wide smile soon forming on his face.
"Nice of you to join us, Mr. Kamisato."

"My apologies sir." He grunted as he stood back up straight, adjusting his tie and quickly making his way to his seat next to Thoma, kissing his cheek gently and flashing him a small mischievous smile as he sat down. Thoma giggled before cocking his head in confusion.

"Where have you been?"

"You'll find out soon enough." He was severely out of breath, like he'd ran the entire way here without a break. Thoma took another look at him before a look of concern overcame his face. It was usual for Ayato to be late - however not without a stupid excuse that usually always cracked the class up.

"You have no need to look so concerned love, I promise. It's nothing bad."

Thoma gave a small reassured smile before turning back to the teacher who was looking directly at them both in irritation. He nodded apologetically, quickly refocusing on his work with his cheeks flushing from embarrassment.

Reluctantly, Ayato organized his belongings and began his work. He looked beside him to Thoma, about to try and ask for the date, before he was mesmerised by him once again. His auricomous hair flowed perfectly over his shoulder, his determination filled his verdant eyes and his tongue slightly stuck out as he wrote, fixated on his work. His headband was slightly askew on his crown, keeping his hair out his face as he scrawled down hasty notes. His hand held his head up by the side, his fingers intertwined into his hair, and his uniform juxtaposed Ayato's currently; pristine and immaculate.

He was so fucking pretty.


"C'mon, we all saw that!!"
The first lessons had gone by rapidly and lunchtime had approached. Thoma had gone to have lunch with Ayaka and Yoimiya whilst Ayato had decided to meet up with Itto - they got on unexpectedly well despite their clear contrasting personalities.

"What do you mean, everyone saw that?" Ayato's perplexed expression covered his face once again. He could be referring to many things.

"You!! The way you looked at Thoma!! In class!!"

Ayato flushed a light vermilion before swiftly turning around, avoiding Itto's teasing.
"Nonsense. I sit next to him, it's practically impossible to avoid looking at him. There's nothing behind it, I was simply about to ask him for the date. We are just frien-"

Itto had grabbed him from behind by the shoulders; he was determined to get an answer.
"Bro. You literally kissed him."

Ayato forgot about that. His eyes slightly widened and his lips parted as he tentatively turned around, greeted by Itto's anticipating smile.

"Do you not greet people with a kiss on the cheek occasionally?"

"Well yeah, but I don't stare at them lovingly as if they're everything I've ever dreamed of in the middle of class, start doodling their name in my books with hearts surrounding, smile like a dumb idiot whenever I'm around them, spend all my time with the-"

"Not a word to anyone else."


"would you be quiet?!" Ayato snapped aggressively back at Itto. "No one else knows. We're not even dating yet."

As he spoke, Thoma appeared around the corner. He smiled, however, before he could even greet either of them, Itto had violently (but affectionately) embraced him in a tight hug. He patted him on the back, though it felt more like slaps, and eventually let go of him causing him to stumble back into Ayato's chest.

"Congrats my dude!! I don't care if you aren't dating yet, you managed to pull one of the hottest guys around!!" Itto laughed, slinging an arm over Thoma's shoulder. "However, I come as a package deal with him. You're now legally also my bro."

Ayato face-palmed, severely cringing at his second hand embarrassment. Internally, however, he found Itto incredibly amusing, and was extremely relieved at the fact he loved and got on with Thoma too.

Thoma laughed at his remark, pulling himself off Ayato. "I'm honestly more offended at the fact I wasn't your bro before, considering I've known you longer than Ayato has." He stood next to Ayato, playing with his hair as he spoke. "I know you're friends, but how did you even meet him?"

"Well he's my bro obviously!!" Itto exclaimed. "It all starte-"

Ayato cut him off, knowing the story off by heart. "When we first started here. I was on my way home and this dickhead decides to fling his arm around my shoulder, exclaim (and I quote) that I was "hot as fuck" and then proceeded to ask for my number. Asked him if he was hitting on me and he simply responded with "no, I just think you're pretty rad, the attractive part is just a bonus." Before I knew it he'd took my phone and put his number in himself, two years later and we're here."

Thoma burst out laughing, the sound a beautiful joy to Ayato. He stopped what he was saying and smiled at him, laughing also. "I'm not surprised. That sounds like something he'd do."

"Yeeeeaaaahh that's about right. I'm not surprised I did that either." Itto laughed heftily, the three of them enjoying their time together before having to return back to class.

One question still remained in Thoma's mind. Why had Ayato been late this morning without explanation? He worried himself over nothing frequently, so tried to shake it off. He'd find out eventually, he thought, as he headed into his lesson, brushing his hand against Ayato's and causing him to smile lovingly. He was so cute.

[I'M SO SORRY THIS TOOK SO LONG my finals are here and I've been trying to revise :')]

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