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"na jaemin!"

the dark haired turned sideways rather quickly, his shoulder flinched when the voice suddenly shouted next to his ear. "another mistake, again" the man said and shook his head in a disapproving manner.

jaemin lowered his head down cursing the man in his head. he wished he could kill the man in front of him. he's tired of being a dog. years after years and he's stuck in this hell hole. just to run away from the truth.

"i know what you're thinking, na jaemin. even if you managed to kill me, sooner or later. the truth will come out by itself. keep feeding yourself lies after lies. it'll strangle you eventually" the man sneered with his usual cocky smirk.

"what would your mother feel?" he asked, shattering the younger man standing in the middle of the room, heads down. "i would say again"

"join me. come, into the dark hell. you're already working here, you have potential. and you'll shine more if you work with me"

jaemin lifted his head up, his hands by his side. he stands firm, his face emotionless— his eyes however— scared.

"i will have to refuse sir, your payment is enough for me. i do not care if the truth comes out, like what you've said. it will. i have nothing to lose. i do not care what my mother feel." he almost stuttered mentioning his mother.

his sick mother. who's slowly dying inside. she'll die. she'll leave me. like how my father did.

jaemin clenched his fists tight. even the boss was stunned by his words. he looks like a kid, who could be blown away by a few words. but he's made of steel, strong and something about him feels off. the boss thought to himself as he eyed jaemin.

jaemin turned his heels around and went towards the door, not waiting for the man— his boss— for any orders. he wished to be free.

with her

he shook his head and grabbed the door knob, until he heard a gunshot next to his head. his ears ringing from the loud sound. "one step out of the room, and you'll be dead. wanted"

he didn't care. mere words won't affect him. his life was already miserable as it is. after his father died, everything crumbled down. his life, his mother's. it won't change anything.

jaemin took a glance towards the flower shops he went by. he grabbed a bouquet of tulips and gave the money to the lady working there. mother would love the flowers, she always do. he sighed and his legs continue to stride towards the place he calls home.

"mom—" the moment he opened the door, he saw his mother lying on the floor near the kitchen. his heart dropped. his heart was pounding against his chest. his head throbbed not knowing what to do. the bullet in her chest. the bullet hole, the pool of blood around her mother.

he felt different kinds of emotions rushing through and he couldn't control it. a whimper escaped his lips as he kneeled down in front of her dead body. his whole body trembled, his eyes widened in shock. his hands were dirtied with blood and he stared at it shaking uncontrollably still in denial. he spun his heels around, and run.

like the coward he is.

jaemin choked on the air as he ended up in a tall unfinished construction building. why he's here, he doesn't know. he just followed where his legs brought him. walked towards the edge where the fence was and felt the strong wind hitting him. he staggered a bit.

the sky turned dark, thunder rumbling. he looked straight ahead where he could see the whole city. without thinking he went over the fence, holding it as he was standing on the edge. rain poured down heavily. he could jump. he could see father and mother. and he wouldn't have to carry the guilt no more. it will only cost his life.

his life.

he closed his eyes, feeling the rain on him. he threw his head back. "if only things were different" he whispered to himself. no one's here to listen to him anyways.

he opened his eyes— ignoring the tingling sensation in his chest and stomach. the pain on his pinky finger. it felt like it was pulled and light feeling of electricity went all over his body. he doesn't pay any mind to it. he looked down, one step and he's done.

he choked as he tried to hold his tears. a sob escaped his mouth and he lowered his head. "i'm sorry.. sorry. i'll beg for your forgiveness on the other side— it's all my fault. maybe if i didnt take that job everything will be fine. if only i wasnt too late. fuck! fuck myself, fuck everything!" he screamed as he looked upwards. he closed his eyes and ready to let go of the fence he was holding.

"STOP!" the voice made him turned around quickly, eyes widened. before he could process, one of his legs slipped and he fell. he's going to fall down to his doom. he will die in despair.

 he will die in despair

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