8|what will they do?

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You knocked on the triplets door to see nick standing there rubbing his eyes "it's early wha-". You pushed him into a hug and cried in his arms. "Omg bestie what happen'd!?,your bleeding". You just wanted to sleep and cry "my moms new boyfriend,he's such a dick". Nick let you in and woke up Matt.You sat on the counter while Matt dampened a paper towel."princess,why would your mom let him do this?". You shook your head "she wasn't home..,I wish I could be with my dad". He gave a light smile to you after all your blood was cleaned. "One day,you'll see him". He kissed you and picked u up. He placed you on his bed and lay'd on your chest, you felt calm around him,safe. You and Matt woke up in the middle of the night to banging on the front door. U look out his window,"omg it's Daniel he's gonna beat my ass!".  "He's not your legal guardian tho..".  You started tearing up "IK!". You told the boys to stay in the living room that u would handle this
   You went outside. "YOU JUST DONT LISTEN,YOU FOLLOW MY RULES WHEN YOUR MOMS GONE! YOUR COMING HOME". He grabbed your wrist and you fought it off "NO FUCK YOU,YOUR NOT MY DAD!! LET GO". He looked u dead in the eye "what did you just say,fuck me!? Your gonna regret that missy". He was about to raise his hand when Matt ran out the door "HEY,DONT FUCKING HIT HER!". He punched him in the face. "Her real dads on his way. It was supposed to be a surprise but you ruined it". Your face enlightened and you made Matt face you "are you seriouse Matt? My real dad!". He shook his head "are u mad?..". "Ofc not!! I've been wanting to see him my whole life Thank you baby!!". You kissed him and kissed him over and over again. You felt someone grab you from behind and throw you to the ground. It was Daniel,you felt your air exit your body like it was leaving for vacation. He was about to jump on Matt when you saw a car show up,"what do u think your doing laying your hands on my daughter!? And her bf!?". You where still on the ground but saw your dad for the first time. He looked just like you,but he looked strong with mussels on his arms. He had same features as you. Your dad pulled him by the shirt and threw him to the side and argued,Matt quickly ran to you and helped u up. "Are u okay baby??". Chris ran up to you helping you up also. You felt dizzy cuz of the fall so Matt carried you on his back while u could hear  your dad arguing with Daniel. "You don't ever put your hands on my daughter or her bf again do u understand me!?".  Daniel quickly drove off and nick let him in. "This is a beautiful home gentlemen,". Nick smiled "u can call me nick sir,she should be on the couch". Your dad replied quickly but in a gentle voice "call me mark". He went into the living room and you sprung up and hugged him "I wanted to see you so much!". He gave a big hug back "I tried seeing you for so much years,your mom wouldn't let me". You replied "Ik dad I'm just glad you came". You introduced your dad to the boys and realized even tho he looked scary he was a big playful bear and loved to smile. Just like you. Chris spoke up after watching a movie "hey mark?".  "Yes Christie?". He looked at you and laughed "you look so much like your daughter,it's unbelievable!". Matt agreed and nick was sleeping,u guys both smiled and laughed instantly. Your dad drove home but gave u his number so you guys can keep in touch. You and Matt fell asleep cuddling on the couch while nick and chris did the same.

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