9|dads house<3

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In the morning you woke up laying on Matt's chest. You tried getting up but he tightened his grip "nuh uh not again I'm warm". You smiled and kissed him on the cheek,"you got 1 hour mr.petty". He smiled and you just stayed there,thinking about how lucky you where to have such an amazing boyfriend,one that takes care of you and treats you like a princess. You where disrupted by your thoughts when Matt fully woke up. "Heyyy". You smiled and kissed his lips,"Heyy". You drove home and saw your mom. "Are you serious y/n!?".  Your face dropped "not my fault,Daniel hit me! And pulled my hair I was bleeding!".  U guys argued a bit and you decided to message your dad.
Y/n🥸👻:hey dad,do u think I can move in with you?

Dad🤍:yea sure! I have a two king rooms,ones mine and one can be yours,do you want me to bring big truck or small truck?

Y/n🥸👻:big truck please dad,thank you so much  dad I love you<3

Dad🤍:np sweetie anything to get you away from there,love ya too!.
   Like five min later he showed up. You opened the door,luckily your mom was gone so u sent  her a message "mom I love u so much I'll still visit,but I'm moving out" she replied with "okay sweetie".  Your dad helped u move your Minnie fridge and your shelf and candy and all your cloths. "We don't have to pack your bed,I have a king size bed in the master room anyway,with black and white sheets". You smiled and nodded.

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This was your dads house "Omg dad,this is amazing!"

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This was your dads house "Omg dad,this is amazing!". He smiled at you "I worked very hard,just so when u visit you could have the time of your life". You where about to tear up "I'd have the time of my life just watching a movie with you!".  He smiled and help you set up your new room. 2 hours later you guys finished

 2 hours later you guys finished

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