Chapter 24: Lateral Move

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Here lies the world and its treasure, the words had been etched in a simple beaded copper bracelet that fit around her scarred wrist, words that haunted her, echoed within her, and hung over her head in a stifling pressure of unmet expectations.

There had been times she wished it could come off. And other times she didn't know what she would do if it did.

Who was Kintsugi, if not the Avatar?

For a long time, she had been her world's saving grace, the unmatched human creation of the universe, the embodiment of hope and security, a load of political semantics and promises for a group who claimed she would be for the good of the people.

For all she cared, it could all burn.

The world and its treasure was a cloud of dust the moment Aang entered into the picture.

"You don't think you'll be safe with me do you?"

"Think of this as a lateral move Kintsugi. You're not renouncing your powers, merely stepping aside, taking a different role, if you would."

"It's Avatar Kintsugi you old man, but I suppose that once the body goes, the mind follows," she hissed at the ambassador as the sound of gasps could be heard among the small crowd, her own handcuffs jingling in sync with her trembling body.

"Watch your tongue, child. You may be like the Avatar, but the world knows and I know, you are unfit to lead as you have so clearly demonstrated with your blood bending for who knows how long."

"And what, what do you want me to do? I've dedicated years of my life to you people, more than a DECADE. My childhood? Gone," she breathed in anger, "And now that I'm an adult, now that you feel like you can't control me, I just leave? You drop me like you dropped your rationality, ambassador."

"I would have thought all that training would have done away with your immaturity, but I am proven wrong."

"Ha! You say I am unfit to lead, you are the one who is unfit, unfit to lead anyone but a spoon to your own mouth. But I'll tell you what, you're afraid of me-"

"I am not afraid of you," the old man seethed as his graying brows lowered in a mix of frustration and annoyance.

"I was a child with the weight of the world in my hands. Your words, not mine. You are afraid of what you do not understand, all of you. Besides, I never blood-bended anyone out of malice. Even now, I could easily get out of these cuffs-"


Yes, the old man had, had enough. Everybody had, and in a splatter of dark blood, Kintsugi had escaped.



"Your apartment is not in that direction."

"I know."

"So you lied to him."

"No, I'm merely taking a different road. You see that tree back there, that leads to the street with the pork skewers and then the laundry mat? If I cross the bridge from there to where the dango stand is, that'll lead me to the apartment. But if I take this road...I only have to cross the stream and hike the winding road up the hill while I get to walk through the forest like some sort of fairytale character."

"And this is pleasant to you?"

"A walk through the woods? Of course it is. Don't you ever just go out for a walk?"

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