Chapter 27: Troubling

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"What do you mean he's dying?"

"Before the current separation between the spirit world and the material world, Vaatu has long existed for darkness and chaos, much like I have existed for light and peace."

"What does that have to do with Aang? Actually, you know what? I thought I told you to leave me alone. I want you out of my head.. aren't the headaches good enough for you? What else do you want from me?"

"Kintsugi, you were a child born out of due time, premature...undeveloped."

"Is that supposed to make me feel better, Raava?...because it's not."

"Listen to me, the balance of the spirit world, for a brief moment, reached a peak of unbalance after Avatar Roku left the material world. During that time, I temporarily lost our connection and Vaatu took over the Avatar's spirit. It did not matter however brief that connection was, from that disconnect, you were born before the appointed time." 

"Okaaay, thank you for the history lesson, but why are you telling me this? Are you trying to tell me I somehow have Vaatu's spirit in me now of all times?"

"It means that moments before you were born, Vaatu temporarily had access to the Avatar you specifically, and in my effort to correct the unbalance that had been created, Aang was born...your counter." 

Kintsugi wanted to laugh, she wanted to punch the spirit talking. And if it were possible, rip her word vomit into tiny little shreds, but really, overall, she just wanted to curl up and sleep her life away.

"Raava, why are you here? How are you here?"

"Aang is your Raava, Kintsugi, much like Vaatu and I. Neither can exist without the other. Have you not felt the effects on your body?"


"The Avatar is meant to be a bridge between both worlds here Kintsugi, but without you here, Aang's spiritual energy has weakened, and soon, that weakening will affect his physical body... much like it has you already. I was only able to momentarily travel to you through the spacial rift your absence has created, Vaatu has also used this to his advantage, and he will reach out to you much like I have."

"I'm flattered, really. You came all this way to tell me who my daddy was, to tell me I'm dying too..."

"The fate of the world-"

"-is at stake? I've heard that before."

"I have cared for you, Kintsugi. You are still the Avatar, we are still the Avatar."

"Really? Our last conversation consisted of talking about Aang, and the first I hear of you again...surprise's about Aang. I'm starting to think our relationship was one-sided."

"There will be destruction everywhere, no matter where you go if you do not return."

"And how to you reckon I do that? Because you know what? I was trying to go back, but now, now I think I'm going to stay here. Let the world...worlds be destroyed for all I care and you can go tell your bestie Vaatu he can go kill everyone for all I care. I won't stop him."

Her eyes were pounding in pain as she felt her body involuntarily move. Passed out and mind-talking with a spirit while stressed was not doing her any good.


"Did you ever think about me? I tried Raava, I tried. I'm finally thinking for myself thank you very much."

"Avatar Kuruk was much in a position like yours, do not repeat your past mistakes. Dark spirits have already been unleashed and they will hunt you down if you do not return willingly."

"How! How am I supposed to go back?"

"Kintsugi...the same opening that has allowed me to be able to communicate with you here is the same rift that will allow me to bring you closer to our world. The more willing you are to be here, the easier you will fade from the current world you inhabit. Give in Kintsugi, that is the quickest way. I have already started the process."

"...before I left, the Fire Sages were struggling, the Fire Lords were planning a coup, the Earth Kingdom was struggling under the new leadership before some of them decided they wanted to kick me out. Destruction is inevitable Raava, no matter what world I am in." 

" are the Avatar, Kintsugi. Even to people such as them. Once upon a time, Wan helped me to defeat Vaatu. He knew that our world peace was more important than his own needs. I know you know that too."


"I beg you, Kintsugi. I, the spirit of light and peace, beg you."

"How is he?" she whispered, thoughts of all the possible outcomes running through her mind.

"He is dreaming."

Echoes of water and ice slowly brushing against each other filled her ears, in the center of it all, shadows of a boy faintly glowing as he rested in a deep slumber pressed against her thoughts.

"He is worried for you," Raava spoke, "much like I. The Avatar Spirit needs you Kint-"

But Raava didn't get to finish.

If Kintsugi had thought the pain jabbing into her brain was unbearable, this incoming one was excruciatingly greater.

"Kintsugi, he's here. You must be strong, do not let him win, be str-"

If anger had a taste it would be that of a strong spice mixed with the scent of blood, years of unshed tears, and the ever-growing flavor of hyssop on her tongue.

"LEAVE!" A deeper voice bellowed from within Kintsugi as she felt her body move again, thrashing to take control.

"I-", but it was hard to think now.

"You will be mine human. That senseless spirit will die and you will watch as the worlds tremble beneath our power."

"Hey, Itachi. Does she normally glow like that?"

Kisame. She recognized that voice.

"What is it?" Itachi asked as he slowly entered into the room.

Years of working for the Akatsuki, but they had never come across a sight like the one before them as trails of dark smoke seemed to come from Kintsugi's floating body. Her eyes a pitch black except for the glowing blue pupils and the dark tattoos that seemed to dance across her body in a fight for control.

"She's not a Jinchuriki, right?"

"No," he directed at him before walking closer to her as uncharacteristic worry seemed to tug Itachi's brows downwards. "Kintsugi-"

"Run," she gasped as she was hurled into consciousness.

She only hoped that the burst of air she bended in their direction was enough to push them far enough away from her as the room burst into an uncontrollable whirlwind of flames.


A/N: A bit of a short chapter, but for the sake of the story, let's pretend that this is how the whole Avatar Reincarnation thing works.

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