Chapter 1: Prolog

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Pov Yelena

Y/n y/l/n, that's my new mission. That's the person I am going to assassinate. The name is actually really pretty, I wonder how it came to her being named that.
No, stop! That's unprofessional.

My eyes scan the file shortly before I look up and nod at the man who gave it to me. A satisfied smile plays around his lips.
"I expect you to work clean and not leave any evidence, especially none that would lead to me." He says and raises his eyebrow.
"Of course not, Sir. No one will ever think you had anything to do with this." I answer, internally rolling my eyes at him. I'm a professional, of course I won't leave evidence.

"Now to your payment." He continues, his eyes flickering from left to right before he pulls out an envelope. I take it and quickly count the money.
"You'll get the other half when the job is done." He states and I nod, packing the envelop into my bag along with the file.

"Inform me, when it's done." He says and I nod. Without further words, he turns around and leaves the dark alley we were standing in.

I wait a few minutes before I leave the alley myself and stroll down the road. It's a nice evening and the sun is almost gone, shining her last light onto the streets.
When I arrive back at my hotel room, I get out of my shoes and fall onto the bed. It's quite comfortable and way better than some other beds I slept in.

After a few minutes of just laying there, I grab my bag and pull out the file to get some further information.

I'm kind of working as a hired assassin at the moment. It's not my dream job but I haven't figured out what else to do yet.
I mean, how am I supposed to? I spent 21 years in the Red Room, trained to be a weapon without own will. When I got out around two years ago, thanks to the help of my sister, I helped to free the other widows but that's all done now. I kinda felt lost and without a mission. So, I started to take jobs to hunt people down and take them out forever.

It's not the most noble job and I don't really like it but it pays off good and it's the only thing I know how to do. I do feel bad for the people I kill and their families but I try to push that thought away.

As soon as I find a job, I will quit doing this but for now, it's the only way I can get money.
I save everything I don't need right away. For now I don't know for what I'm saving up but someday I'll need it. Maybe even for college or something like that, even though I might be a little too old for college by now.

I sigh and get out of my head to focus back on the file.
Once again I read the name of the woman I am supposed to assassinate. Y/n, I still like it. But that's not the point, I shake my head and continue to study her file.

27 year-old female, not married or dating. Working at a company in the communication area. Living in New York.

I smile at the city name, I have a friend in New York. Maybe I can visit her when I'm there.

My eyes scan the rest of her file until I have enough information about her. Lastly I turn to the last page to see a picture of her. She looks really beautiful, not gonna lie. Something about her seems special, I don't know what but there is something.

After staring at her picture for a few seconds, I shake my head and put the file back into my bag.
I start my night routine and once I'm done, I lay in bed and take out my laptop to book a flight to New York and write a message to my friend, asking if I can stay with her.
The answer comes within a few minutes and I smile at the excitement I can sense through the phone.

The plan ticket is booked fast and I text my friend, that I'll be in New York in two days.
She sends a thumb up and an emoji of pasta and cheese. I chuckle at my phone and send her a quick reply before putting my phone away and switching on the TV to watch something.
The TV lulls me to sleep soon and I sink into a deep sleep.

That night I dream of a mysterious woman whose curious eyes look at me. Something about her attracts me and her eyes sparkle magically. Her smile is friendly but a little distant and when she brushes a lose strain of hair out of her face, my eyes follow her movement closely. She knows that I'm watching her and she smirks a little before turning around and walking away.
I try to follow her, wanting to know more about her but something holds me back and I can't move. Slowly but surely she walks further away until I can't see her anymore and the only thing I want, is to follow her and see her again. But I can't...

A/n: Welcome to the first chapter of "Almost assassinated"! I hope you will enjoy this short story.
The next chapter will be longer, I promise.  

Thanks for reading and love to you all <3

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