Chapter 3

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Pov y/n

I wake up and feel my head spinning without even opening my eyes.
My hand reaches for my head and I groan at the stinging pain of the headache. I guess I went a little over board last night with the amount of fluids.

Not wanting to get up just yet, I snuggle back into the blanket but freeze when I notice something to my left, like a soft wall. My eyes flutter open and I look at the backrest of a couch. Why am I on a couch?

I turn my head in confusion and notice that I'm not in my living room. Adrenaline rushes through my body and I jolt up but hiss at the pain in my head that got worse at the quick movement.
My eyes scan the area around me.

I'm in a small living room area that's part of a loft. There is a door close to the open kitchen, which I assume is a bathroom. Stairs lead up to another level of this loft but I can't see what's up there.
Where the hell am I?

I rub my head and try to remember last night. I recall being out with the girls and that we danced and drank a lot, probably too much. From a certain point, my memories become foggy and it seems like my brain can't remember them anymore.
Great! A blackout is exactly what I needed.
Maybe I went home with someone? It wasn't my plan but maybe I had a one-night-stand?

I lift the blanket to see all my cloths still on me and let it sink onto my body again. Would have surprised me anyway if I'm being honest. I mean, who would leave the person you just had sex with on the couch?

My head falls back into the soft pillow and I cover my eyes with my arm. How do I end up in situations like this?

When I hear someone coming down the steps, I remove the arm and sit up slowly.
A brunet woman comes down the stairs. She wears grey sweatpants and a sleeping shirt. Her brown eyes meet mine. A soft smile plays around her lips and she runs her hand through her hair. She's beautiful, not gonna lie. A soft, warm aura embraces her and she walks into the kitchen before bringing me water and something against my headache.

She sits down on the coffee table next to the couch, keeping her distance but observing me with curious eyes.

"The water and the pill will help." She says with a slightly raspy voice and still that little smile on her lips. I eye her before I take the water and drink it to help swallow the pill.

"Thank you." I say and offer a smile. Her eyes light up a little and she leans back a bit, resting on her hands. I honestly don't remember meeting her last night but she seems kind and something about her makes me trust her, I don't know.

"How did I end up here?" I ask and pull my legs closer to sit criss-coss. She nods in acknowledgement of my unawareness.
"You apparently were pretty drunk last night and stumbled into my friend." She shrugs and watches me interested, as if she wanted to read me.
I nod at her words, but it still doesn't explain my current situation. It does explain why I don't remember this woman though.
She seems to notice my further confusion.

"Black out?" She asks and gets up to bring me a new glass of water. My eyes follow her and I wonder how old she is. Maybe between 22 and 25? I don't know, she seems sophisticated on the one hand and young on the other. She has a playfulness radiating off of her that makes her seem younger.

"Yeah, pretty much." I answer her question and take the glass from her with a 'thank you'.
"Okay, well I don't know everything and can just tell you what I got told. Apparently, you accidently stumbled into Yelena, my friend." She adds as she notices my confusion about the name and I nod for her to go on.

"She caught you and you mumbled an apology and said you were looking for your friend. One already left, so you were looking for the other one. Yelena helped you look for her but then you got a text that that friend went home with someone, or something like that. You were quite drunk and could barely walk and when Yelena took you to her car to drive you home, you forgot your address. So, she took you here because she's staying with me right now."

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