Chapter 2

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TW: alcohol, drinking

Pov y/n

I huff and almost slam the phone onto the table. My co-worker and friend Liz looks up at me confused. I wave it off and put my arms on the desk, resting my head on my palms.

"What's the matter?" Liz asks and fully turns to look at me.
"Just that person I just talked to. They got quite angry and when I told them that I can't really help them, they started to swear at me." I explain and let out another huff. Liz nods in understanding before turning back to her desk.

My annoyance fades after a few minutes of staring into nothingness and I go back to work. Even though I love my job, I sometimes hate the people I am on calls with. They are dickheads and won't hear me out at all. It's really annoying but I got a lot of practice when it comes to hide my heated feelings in those kind of situations. I just let them rage because I know in the end, they want something from the company I'm working for and come crawling back.

I'm not saying I like it, but it does feel pretty nice when some white old man realizes he won't get anywhere with yelling at me and that I have the strings in my hand. And when they don't get to the realization by themselves, I give them a friendly reminder of it.

But it still makes me a little mad when they start yelling at me and start accusing me of wanting to manipulate them.

I take a deep breath and concentrate back on the documents I was working on. Only three more hours and I'll be done here for this week and can go to a club with Liz and our friend Jane. We wanted to just party a little and have a great time and maybe find a hook-up for Liz.

The line to the club is quite long but we don't mind since we're chatting about some random things. Jane pokes Liz whenever she sees a person who might be interesting for Liz. It's a lot of poking because Liz is pansexual and Jane pokes her at what feels like every third person that walks past us.

"Stop poking me." Liz groans and swats her friend's hand away, but a tiny smirk around her lips tells us that she isn't that annoyed.
"But there are a lot of good looking people walking past us." Jane justifies her poking with a shrug.
"Exactly, past us. I don't think Liz will get out of line and run up to them like: 'Hey, I need to get laid. Wanna give me a hand with that?'" I chip in and get a slap against my arm from Liz.

"What? It's true." I defend myself and earn another slap.
"It's not. And besides, you make me sound desperate." Liz corrects me and crosses her arms.
"It is, Liz. You said, and I quote 'God, I just want someone to-" Jane takes my side but before she can finish her sentence, Liz puts her hand over Jane's mouth and blushes a little.
"Alright, I know what I said, no need to yell it out into the city." She shushes her and slowly removes her hand again. Jane shrugs with a smirk and winks and me. I grin back at her and Liz just roles her eyes but smiles.

"Oh and in my defense, I'm not the only one who wouldn't mind a hand or mouth for need satisfaction." She smirks now and wiggles her eyebrows at me. I stick out my tongue at her and try to hide my blush.
"That's different. I'm not looking for a one-night-stand. I would prefer a relationship." I clarify as we move further in the line.
"As if you would say no to a woman that approaches you and offers you take her home to her apartment, or just the bathroom of the club." Jane joins the teasing and I hold up my hand, offended.

"I'm classier than to get laid in a club's bathroom."
"Right, you prefer the closet in a friend's house during New Year's Eve, I forgot." Liz nods with a serious face before bursting out into laughter, joined by Jane. I can't hide the slight smile on my lips.
"That was a one time thing." I brush it off with a playful eyeroll.
Both of my friends nod with a grin on their faces.

Only a few minutes later we are let into the club and the beat starts to vibrate through my body.
Liz and Jane go to find a table for us while I go to the bar to get our drinks.
I return with three cocktails in my hands and sit down next to Jane. We toast each other before taking a sip of our drinks.

The music is loud and there are a lot of people on the dance floor. The other tables are also full and there are always people at the bar.
My eyes continue to look around while I drink some more and finally return to the conversation Liz and Jane are having. They nearly have to shout at each other to be understood but don't seem to mind.

When our drinks are all empty and we start to feel more lose, we head to the dance floor and let the music take control over out bodies. It's a lot of fun and I laugh, watching Liz starting to grind on Jane who encourages her and laughs as well.
I swing my hips to the beat of the music and let go of all my negative feelings, forgetting about work and all the annoying people.

For a split second I notice a blond woman who makes her way through the club and gets swallowed by the crowd. I don't know why I noticed exactly her, it just seemed like she had some kind of aura around her.
What am I thinking about? I just saw her for half a second and don't even know for sure anymore.
I shake my head at myself and continue my dancing, forgetting about the woman.

After a good amount of dancing Jane, Liz and I head back to find a new table and Liz gets us our drinks. I slump down onto the bench and try to catch my breath, dancing is exhausting.
Jane also seems a little red from all the heat and the dancing and we wait for Liz to return with out drinks. Additionally to the second cocktail for each, she brought shots. We down them and laugh at Jane's face that pulls into a disgusted look. She doesn't like the taste of shots and it's too funny to watch her take one.

Since we're sitting a little further away from the dancefloor now, we can chat without having to yell at each other. Liz starts to tell us about a man she noticed on the dancefloor that looked 'extremely gorgeous', her words, not mine.
I listen and grin at how she starts to talk about him and her eyes shine with excitement.

Suddenly I notice the blond woman again. But as before, she's gone by quickly. This time I saw a little more of her: her hair was up in a braided-ponytail and she wore a black leather jacket. She looked kinda hot, not gonna lie. But as I told Jane and Liz before, I'm not looking for a hook-up. I want a relationship that lasts and doesn't end up like the two before.

We continue our ladies night and have a lot more drinks and dance breaks. I feel free and all my worries are forgotten, I'm just living in the moment and am having fun.

Jane and I smirk at each other when we notice Liz dancing with a man, enjoying herself. We glance him up and down and keep an eye on them. After all, we don't know him and want Liz to be safe. But he seems like a nice man and offers to buy us a round of drinks.

My head starts to feel a little dizzy and the world around me spins more than it should but I still feel good and not like throwing up. But I still get everyone a glass of water and chuck mine down before heading back to the dance floor.
Everyone's energy is still high, so this might be a long, fun night.

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