Chapter 4

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TW: gun

Pov y/n

Warm air blows in my face as the wind swirls around the few leaves on the ground. I smile and look up at the sun that partly hides behind a cloud. The day is actually quite nice and the temperature is perfect, not too warm nor too cold.

When a ball stops in front of my feet, I look around and kick it back to the children who come running after it. They smile at me in thanks and I continue my way. I have headphones in my ears and hum the melody of the song.

After I got home, showered and took another nap, I decided to go outside and get some fresh air. That always helped me when I was hungover.
Right now I'm strolling through central park and enjoy myself. My headache is gone and due to the fresh air and nice weather, my mood is quite good. I watch the people around me, enjoying their Saturday outside.

Without any destination in mind, I just walk around, not really caring where I will end up. My feet take my to a part of the park where nearly no one is. I didn't know those parts existed but here I go, finding out.

Suddenly I get the feeling someone's following me and turn around. But there's not a single soul behind me. I shrug, it was probably just a feeling.
The music takes my mind off it and when I see a bench, slightly hidden by some bushes, I decide to sit down.
The sun comes out completely and I angle my head to catch it with my face. Closing my eyes, I enjoy the warmth and get lost in the moment and my music.

Suddenly my instincts go off and I open my eyes and freeze. There's a gun directly pointed at me and fear rushes through my body. Panic rises as I try to stay calm and look at the person, dressed completely in black and a mask covering their whole head. Slowly, to not make them shoot, I take out my headphones with shaking hands.

"I have nothing on me. Just some money and my phone." I say, my voice shaking and I gulp.
They don't respond and just move their index finger towards the trigger.

"Please, don't shoot. I haven't done anything, I swear. And I have nothing else to offer to you except money and my phone." I plead, fearing for my live. The finger lays on the trigger and I don't doubt for a second that the gun is real and will shoot me.

My life flashes before my eyes and I see my childhood house and my parents, my cat Caramel and my childhood best friend. Then I think about my work, Liz and Jane and the plans I had for my future. A future that I now won't have anymore. I gulp and my mind races as I try to prepare for the shot and squeeze my eyes shut.

"Please, don't." I plead one more time, my voice breaking and I feel tears starting to run down my face. My whole body shakes as I wait for my life to end but nothing happens.
Seconds go by, more and more until I'm starting to get confused and open one eye a little bit. The person is still standing in front of me but the gun is now pointed to the ground and the finger is off the trigger.

A breath leaves my mouth and I realize that I have been holding it.
Slowly, to not pull an unwanted reaction, I lift my hand to wipe away some tears. My eyes are glued to the person in front of me, scared what they will do.

Minutes go by and we just stay like this as if we were frozen. When the gun clicks, I flinch but they just put the safety pin back in. A slight weight lifts off my chest.
I still don't really have a chance to escape right now because they are still close to me and could shoot me within seconds.

"Please, let me go." I try again, my voice quivering. They look at me but since they're wearing a mask, I can't tell with which emotion.
"I can't. Long story."

I'm a little startled as I hear them speak. It sounded like a woman but I don't want to assume anything. And they had a Russian accent. Why is a Russian trying to kill me?

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