Chapter 5

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Pov y/n

After a few more minutes, we come to a stop and I recognize the door we're walking into. Why is she bringing me to Kate's again? Is Kate involved in this? Are they some kind of gang, or scary duet?
I don't know.

Yelena unlocks the door and lets me get in first. The apartment seems to be completely empty. I'm standing in the middle of the room, not knowing what to do with myself while Yelena puts her backpack into the wardrobe and gets out of her jacket. She notices me not knowing what to do and points to the couch.

"Sit down, it's quite comfortable." She says, back to her nice voice. I bite my tongue to not say something sarcastic and sit down. She walks into the kitchen and gets both of us a glass of water.

This is so weird, she's scary and wanted to kill me just like half an hour ago and now she serves me water to have a conversation with me like it's the most normal thing in the world. My eyes never leave her as I'm scared she's gonna do something all of the sudden.

"You don't have to observe me, I won't harm you." She says calmy and takes a sip of her water.
I just hum in response, keeping my eyes on her.
"You don't believe me." She observes and puts her glass down.
"Oh, I wonder why." I let the comment slip out and roll my eyes at her. I don't know where the sudden courage came from but Yelena doesn't seem to mind. A tiny smirk shows on her lips before she angles her body to face me.

"Let me explain the situation to you, okay?" She makes eyes contact with me and I have to gulp at the intense look in her water blue eyes.
"Do I really have a choice?" I ask back and bite my lip in nervousness. Something about her makes me nervous and I don't quite know what. Maybe the fact that she wanted to kill me?
Yelena chuckles a little, her eyes darting down to my lip for a second.

"Good point. I just want you to understand why I brought you here."
I nod for her to continue and she takes in a breath.

"I was hired to kill you. I'm an assassin, well at least at the moment, it won't be my forever job. I came to New York for this and started to look for you. When I found you, you where going into that club with your two friends. I wanted to get to know you a little bit to be able to read your body language and stuff like that. Once or twice you noticed me but I didn't think anything of it. When you stumbled into me, drunk and with your friends already gone, I felt bad for you and took you here. Leaving you alone there didn't feel right. And well, then I came looking for you today to do my job..." She ends her story and I can tell she's slightly nervous now.

That's strange. Why would she be nervous? Besides, why didn't she kill me earlier? I doesn't make sense.
"Why am I here then? When you have the job to kill me, why didn't you already do it?" I ask directly, curious about her motives. This seems to make her even more nervous and she scratches her forehead in thought. When her eyes look back into mine, they seem a little softer and totally honest.

"I couldn't. I don't know why. You just kinda...have something about you that makes me attracted to you." She admits and I'm surprised and confused about her answer at the same time. This is the last thing I would have expected, it really throws me off.
I take a deep breath in and try to sort my thoughts. But how are you supposed to react when you find out that you're supposed to get killed but the person who was supposed to do it couldn't because she's attracted to you?

I run my hand through my hair, a little overwhelmed with the situation.
"You don't have to say anything about that, it's okay. I just thought you should know that someone wants you dead. That's why I took you here, I wanted to explain all of this to you. And I don't think you're really safe out there, at least not in like one or two days, maximum. When someone hires an assassin, they usually do the job within three days, as expected. Then they'll inform the person they should do it for and so on. And when no message comes, they expect you to have failed or bailed out. In both cases, a new assassin will be hired and it starts all over again." Yelena explains and I furrow my eyebrows in thought.

"Why don't you just tell them you did it and it's all good?" I say my thoughts out loud. She shakes her head with a dry chuckle.

"Sadly it's not that easy. Most clients check if it's true. If they can hire an assassin, they can also find out if someone is really dead. Maybe they even have a lookout during those three days that checks if the work is being done. But that varies between clients. Considering the three days are over tomorrow, you should expect someone else to show up in a about two or three days."

I gulp at that information and fear rises in my chest. I don't wanna die, I wanna live! There's so much I haven't seen or experienced yet.
My breathing picks up and I feel a knot in my chest tighten. Yelena seems to notice my change in behavior.

"Hey, hey, deep breaths. It'll be okay, we'll find a way. You won't die." She tries to comfort me, her voice soft and calm.
"How? Someone wants me dead!" I breathe out, my hands clenching and unclenching.
"I know, but we'll figure it out. I can help you." She offers, her hands reaching for me but not touching me. I huff a little.

"I know, I just wanted to kill you and you have no reason to believe or trust me but I ask you to still do it. We can figure out how to keep you safe." She suggests in almost a pleading tone.
This is a whole new side to her that I didn't know she had. Until now she always seemed tough and confident, seeing her a little softer is also kinda nice. I shake my head to get that thoughts out of my head and look at her. My breath slowly starting to normalize.

"What if you change your mind and suddenly want to kill me again?" I ask, watching her reaction. She nods as if she expected this question.
"I understand that you're suspicious but if it helps you, once they hired another assassin, I won't get any money anymore. So, I'd had no reason to kill you." She says and I search her eyes for any sign of a lie.

There are not a lot of emotions in her eyes, she mostly hides them but I can see that she's being honest. I slowly nod, just accepting the fact she won't kill me for now. If I want to work out a further plan with her, is still something I'm unsure about. But if she's an assassin, she probably knows where to hide and what to be cautious about. Maybe her help is a good thing. But on the other hand, what if she just wants to kill me for her own reasons and all of this is just an act?

"How do I know, you're really hired by someone?" I ask and for a second I see confusion in her eyes, until she nods and gets up. Without a word she goes up the stairs and goes into one of the two rooms up there. She comes back down a few minutes later with a file in her hand. Without a word she hands me the file and I open it up.

My breath hitches in my throat as I see information about me, literally everything there is to know about me: my job, my address, my family tree, my blood type for some reason, the way I look and other stuff. That's really creepy and I feel uneasy. I turn through some further pages that aren't that interesting and just like a contract. On the last page, there is a picture of me that I don't remember taking. My eyes dart up to Yelena.

"What is all of this?" I ask silently, a little intimidated by the file.
"That's my contract and the information I need about you." Yelena explains in a calm voice.
"Why do you need my blood type?"
Why is this the first thing I have to ask? She shrugs, indicating that she doesn't know why either.

"Who collects all these information?" I ask further.
"Before someone hires an assassin, they hire someone else to find all of this out about the target person. I don't know much about it, I only receive the files." She explains and I slowly nod, getting an uneasy feeling in my stomach at the thought that someone was watching me.

"And the contract in there is just paperwork, like when you get a job you sign a contract."
I nod and my eyes fly over the contract, I don't read a lot but it's clear that it's not Yelena herself who wants to kill me. Or is it all a trick? But why would she put so much effort into this?
I decide to trust her on this one and put the file down on the coffee table.

"There was no name other than yours. Who hired you?" I continue my question, now really wanting to know why someone wants me dead.
"I only know the last name: Hollow."

The wheels in my head start to spin and my eyes widen as I get an idea but I need more information.

"How did he look and where did you meet him?"
Yelena looks a little irritated at my questions but thinks for a second.
"He was around 65 I'd say, close to bold, tall, normal stature. I met him in North Carolina, why?"

I nod, it all adds up and I breathe out annoyed and let my head fall against the back of the couch.
"Do you know that guy?" She asks and follows my movements as I sit up and run a hand down my face while nodding.

"If I'm not mistaken, he's the father of my ex-girlfriend Sabrina. We broke up like a year ago, she didn't take it very well and was of the opinion that I broke her heart. Her last name is Hollow and her parents live in North Carolina and the description fits her father very well...what psycho hires an assassin because their daughter and her girlfriend broke up?" I shake my head and let it fall into my hands.

"That's really a little over reacted." Yelena slowly agrees as she takes in the information and I nod.

Before any of us can say another word, we hear keys in the lock and turn to look at the door as Kate walks in.
"I'm back, I bought mac and cheese and-" She stops in the middle of the sentence as she notices me and looks confused between us.
"Why are you here again, y/n? Forgot anything?" She asks confused, closing the door and placing the bag with the groceries in the kitchen.

"Not quite." I answer, looking at Yelena, unsure what I should answer. She looks a little like a child that just got caught by their parents.
So, Kate doesn't know Yelena was supposed to kill me. Well, this will be interesting. 

A/n: How do you think Kate will react to the information?
Thanks for reading and love to you all <3

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