Chapter 9: You Suck

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Kat's POV

I watched calmly as Starscream leaned against a control panel, his grin aimed at the doorway. Two pairs of footsteps approached until Megatron and his blue lackey walked through.

"I cannot allow Optimus Prime to be the one to revive Cybertron. We will locate the Autobot's base, invade it, and retrieve the omega keys." Megatron told the blue dude, who Smokescreen had told me was Dreadwing, the second in command.

"Been there, done that." Starscream smirked.

The two bots looked at him in surprise for a moment before Dreadwing activated his blaster and pointed it at us.

If I get blown up today, I'm blaming it on Optimus. They could have at least told me they were about to mess with a super-fast Decepticon. And my ponytail got loosened in the wind.

I hate ponytails that aren't tight.

Megatron put his hand on Dreadwing's shoulder. The second in command lowered his weapon, but glared at Starscream.

"Please pardon my unannounced visit, Lord Megatron." Starscream said, offering a small bow, "But I have come bearing peace offerings."

He moved his hand with me and the omega keys out into the open. Both of the bot's eyes widened and Megatron's snarl turned into a sinister grin. I felt a large stone drop into the pit of my stomach, but I decided to ignore it.

"The omega keys and Smokescreen's pet. What is it that you want in return?" Megatron asked.

Pet? How dare he-

Starscream bowed and placed the keys and I on the ground. I considered running away, but I doubt I'd get very far.

"Only to be a Decepticon once again." Starscream answered.

"Dreadwing is my first Lieutenant, now." Megatron stated.

"And I respect that much has changed during my absence. I only wish to serve you, my one, true master. In anyway that you deem fit." Starscream replied.

"I am deeply impressed by your accomplishments, Starscream, and know that I will put your offerings to good use, whatever the outcome." Megatron told him.

I raised an eyebrow.

Starscream looked up nervously, "Um, outcome? Of what?"

"See to it that Knockout is extracted from the wall!" Megatron ordered Dreadwing loudly.


He reached down and grabbed the keys. I resisted the urge to not attack when he reached for me and Megatron's sharp fingers were wrapped around me tightly.

Another wave of nervousness passed through me, but I shoved it down and focused in planting small metal devices on everything I could reach.

Too bad the Decepticon warship wasn't human sized or had directions in English. Even if the EMP worked on the completely alien tech, I woud probably crash into the Earth with the rest of them and die in a counterproductive seismic event.

Megatron looked up at a camera, "Soundwave. Ensure Starscream makes it to Knockout's lab while I secure the keys and pet."

I grimaced at the word, wanting nothing more than to be the same size as the metal titan so I could knock the snot out of him. Assuming he had snot.

Yeah, he probably didn't.

Megatron turned around and began to walk away. Hr glanced down at me briefly and chuckled.

"So how did you meet the Autobots?" He asked.

"Long story." I replied calmly.

There was no way I was telling him that I was Miko's sister. Or that I knew the location of the Autobot base, or that I was currently in possession of a device that could see, hear, and track everything going on there. Or that I was part of a ninja clan that would work for him without hesitation if he used me as leverage.

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