002‚ murderers

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002 murderers
written by -ORSON

THE INCIDENT002 ┊ murdererswritten by -ORSON

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I was walking along the ocean as I listened to the crash of the waves and the giggles of my friends

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I was walking along the ocean as I listened to the crash of the waves and the giggles of my friends. I pulled my torn jacket closer to my body and squatted to take a sit of the cold, brown sand.

Someone groans as they take a seat by me, I don't bother to turn my head, I know who it is. "Why aren't you with Helen? Won't she worry?" I slowly turn my head to look at him, expecting him to already be looking at me, but he wasn't.

"I told her I went looking for you," I nod my head and turned it back to the ocean. "When'd you steal my jacket?" From the corner of my eye I could see Barry tilts his head as he takes in his jacket on my body.

"Better question, how come Helen hasn't noticed? I mean, I'm sure you've let her wear this jacket before," I flared out my nose and rise my eyebrows at Barry. "She is your girlfriend after all."

"And she's your best friend." He argued, angrily. That causes me to shut my mouth and fiddle with my baggy pants.

"She is. And she's . . . amazing and sweet," I scoffed, inhaling deeply. "She doesn't deserve what I, we did to her." My eyebrows scrunch together. "I have to tell her."

Barry puts his hand on my arm. "You can't tell her. Everything's going good, were friends, we all are. You have a boyfriend and I have a girlfriend, we can both move on and be happy." He forced out, running his hand down my arm to connect our fingers, but I pull away before they could.

"Right," I stand up, rubbing my hands on the back of my pants to get rid of any sand I felt. "Keep telling yourself that, Barry, because I'm not happy . . . I'm guilty."

I was stuck in a car with people who were "deeply in love". I am stuck in the back with Barry and Helen as the giggle, I push Barry away with my arm causing him to sit up straight in his seat, as while as Helen. "Sorry, Hun." Helen cringes, but there was something else behind that expression, I just couldn't put my finger on it.

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