011‚ i love you, barry

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011 i love you, barry
written by -ORSON

PUTTING IT TO AN END011 ┊i love you, barrywritten by -ORSON

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Me and Barry were behind stage with Helen, trying to calm her down

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Me and Barry were behind stage with Helen, trying to calm her down. Well, Barry was calming her down, but I stood next to Barry with my hand on Helen's arm, taking in my surroundings.

"Stay calm. We'll be up in the balcony." Barry soothed Helen as she looked around also.

"Yeah, so we can keep an eye on you and you can keep an eye on us." Helen grabbed my hand that was on her arm and tightly held on.

"He had a hook! Maria, you saw it, right? It was a big, huge hook."

My face soften. I didn't want Helen to be so worried about it even though she should be, i don't want her to be too paranoid that it makes her lose focus on what's important. To stop him we have to make sure we're in the right mindset, we can't let fear get the best of us.

"Yes, Helen, but don't worry, okay? Like Barry said we'll be up on the balcony watching, we'll see anything before you can. Birds eye-view." I smiled, nudging her.

She forced a small smile and nodded her head, pulling me and Barry into a tight hug. "Everything's gonna be all right." Barry said, into Helen's hair.

I sighed into her hair knowing that everything was not gonna be alright and that we all could possible die. But was I going to tell Helen that and scare her? Of course not, so I let Barry have this one, just as I've been doing.

"We're not gonna to let nothing happen to you Helen. I will jump in front of you before that hook man can get you. I'll always protect you." I pulled away from Helen, making sure to look her in the eyes so that she would know that I was dead on.

As me and Barry walked away from Helen and took our places at the balcony, I couldn't help but get more frightened.


"Yea?" He turned looking at me, his hand touching my arm as an instinct.

"Did you mean it? I mean, I'm sure you didn't and you were doing it for the sake of Helen, but...you don't think," I looked down at the audience. "You don't think we're gonna die...right?"

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