006‚ flashback : a kiss goodbye

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006 a kiss goodbye
written by -ORSON

THE KILLER006 ┊a kiss goodbyewritten by -ORSON

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"Barry? What are you doing here?" I glanced back at my open bedroom door, growing nervous as Barry gently pushed my body away from my window and climbed into my bedroom

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"Barry? What are you doing here?" I glanced back at my open bedroom door, growing nervous as Barry gently pushed my body away from my window and climbed into my bedroom.

"I need to talk to you." Barry shuts my window and then turned to me with a small smile. He placed his hands on both my upper arms and turned me towards him. "Listen, okay. Maybe you want to know what I have to say."

"Um," I looked back, only to be met with the dark hallway. "Okay, first let me shut my door, okay? And be quiet," I fussed out.

"My dad has an early morning and he really wouldn't want to see some boy that climbed in through my window," I hastily moved to my door. "Especially you." I muttered under my breath.

"Why are you here? I thought we agreed?" I crossed my arms over my chest and held my head up. He hesitated a bit but nonetheless made his way to me, leaving little space between us.

"Me and Helen broke up. We broke it off." I frowned, dropping my arms in surprise. "She knows too."

She knows too.

Those three words caused my heart to speed up. "She knows?" He nods. "Oh, my God." I moved to sit on the edge of my bed, rubbing my sweaty palms on my yellow pajama pants. "Why? Why did you tell her, Barry?"

The bed dipped as he sits next to me. "It was the right thing to do. We needed a break and broke up and I though it was the right time to tell her, okay?" Barry's eyebrows pinched together. "Why, did you want more time?"

"Yes! You should've told me, Bar. So, that I could've been with you or to prepare. Anything. Now she probably hates me more than anything. I didn't want that, I didn't want this, Barry." I placed my hand over my eyes.

It was silent. Barry tensed up next to me and I tensed up too. "You didn't want this?" His voices shakes, I can't tell from anger or sadness.

My eyes shoot to him, blue meets brown. "No, Barry. I . . . I did want this, just," I sighed. "Not like this." He nodded understandingly and I put my hand on his left thigh. "I'm going to miss you." I whispered, my eyes burning holes into the side of his face until he looked my way.

"Me too."

Barry's eyes flickered between both of mines, like he was reading me or something. "What?"

"Nothing." His eyes slowly trailed down my face until it lands on my lips. "Can I kiss you? Please." A hand. A warm hand placed itself on my left cheek, stroking it gently.

"Barry," I put my head down, looking at my shaky hands. Hands that have done unthinkable and horrible things. "I don't think we should."

He nudged his nose with mines. "Okay."

I lifted my head, our lips brushing into each other. Scanning his face, I realized that I'm really going to miss him. I know it sounds bad, but I think I love him.

One little kiss wouldn't hurt, right?

A kiss goodbye.

I softly pushed my lips against his, testing the waters before his hand on my left cheek tightens and he pulled me against him more. I opened my mouth and his tongue touched mines, lightly.

My arms wrapped themselves around his neck as I pushed him against me, his lips coming down on mines rougher, turning our once soft kiss into a passionate one.

I pulled away slightly just to whisper, "I'm going to miss you so fucking much, Bar." Before my lips bring themselves back onto his.

My back hits the bed as I pushed myself backward, Barry's heavyweight falling onto my body. His hands on my waist, placing themselves under my shirt and I shivered a bit not expecting his hands to be so cold.

My hands go into his hair, pulling tightly causing him to groan into my mouth, a moan coming from me afterwards.

"What the fuck!" Someone, no, Austin angrily says. I pushed Barry away from me, sitting up in my bed. "What the fuck is this shit, Maria." Austin looked at Barry as if he wanted to kill him.

"Austin, I can explain." I stand up, my back brushing against Barry as we both stared at my angry boyfriend. "Listen, okay I'm sorry." I hold my hands out in front of me as a way of defense for Barry.

"No, I don't want to hear it. Barry, man! Seriously? You of all fucking people! Don't you have a fucking girlfriend to fuck instead of mines?" Austin steps forward, but I step back pressing myself into Barry.

"Man, look, I'm sorry, okay?" Barry tried to reason, but Austin doesn't look like he can put up with this as he throws his arms up and backs away towards my door, that I didn't hear open.

"Fuck this shit! We're done." Austin stomps out, slamming the door behind him.

"Oh, my God." I put both of my hands over my face, leaning down and inhaling deeply through my nose. "My dad must be up, which means you have to go before he comes in here. Austin going to tell him what happened and I don't have time for more yelling, Barry." I pushed him back towards my window.

"Maria." Barry grabbed both of my hands with his right hand to stop pushing him. "We're good, right?"


I shake my head repeatedly. "No, Barry! We aren't! This shouldn't have happened! I should've went with my gut, I shouldn't have kissed you, goddamn it. You have to go." I break my arms free of his hands.

"Are you serious, right now." Barry scoffed out.

"Go, Barry. Get out."

Deja vu.
I did this before and he hated me.
And his going to hate me again.

"Whatever." He roughly opens up my window, stepping out into the chilly night, before closing it behind him. I watched him climb off my roof before taking off to his car that was parked down the road.


(1k+ words) unedited

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(1k+ words) unedited

orson's note —
i thought this would be fun or wtv. anyways, i hoped you guys enjoyed this chapter! two more chapters of act ii before act iii, the last act begins and i'm excited!! plus, how was the kissing scene?? *cringe*

xoxo, ORSON

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