005‚ reunion

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005 reunion
written by -ORSON

THE KILLER005 ┊reunion written by -ORSON

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"This is nothing

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"This is nothing. "I know what you did last summer? Ooh," Barry mocked as he picks up his glass of water. "What a crock of shit."

"Well, how do you explain how I got the same note as Julie, Barry?" I crossed my arms, squinting as the sun shines on us.

"Yeah, we need help." Helen tells Barry.

He takes a sip of his water and points at us. "Yeah, I'll say. You know what? You guys should check out a mirror once in a while. You three look like shit run over twice."

"You're a prick."

Barry stops and looked at Helen with an angry expression, his eyes looking at me and doing the same. I raised both of my eyebrows at him and he rolled his eyes, shaking his head.

"We can't just ignore it." Julie holds up the note that was in her hand.

"Come on, Julie. How do you know this is even related? You two," He points his finger to me and Julie. "Did a lot of shit last summer."

"Yeah, well, only one murder comes to mind." Julie sassed, bending forward.

I placed my feet on the bench, pulling my legs close to me. Barry was about to have one of his quick yelling sessions and me and Helen both knew it, by the look we shared.

"You shut the hell up!" Barry looked back to see if he grabbed the attention of his mother before looking back at us. "We didn't murder anyone."

"He was still alive when we dumped him in the water!" Julie angrily says.

I place my hand on my forehead not liking the images that were coming back from the night we hit a guy and then dumped his alive body in the water. I wonder if he suffered or did the water take him out before he could wake up.

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