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The subway stopped around halfway past Dongho Bridge.

I stood up and looked at the scene taking place outside. The ruined Seoul and collapsed buildings. Monsters reminiscent of a giant snake were eating the wreckage of a fighter jet that had crashed into the Han River.

I recognized their identity at once. An ichthyosaur. A monster that was commonly called a sea serpent. It would later be classified as a Grade 7 monster in the world of Ways of Survival.

One of the ichthyosaurs looked in this direction.


The ichthyosaur circled around the bottom of Dongho Bridge and vanished into an air bubble.

As long as there is a scenario nothing will happen since scenarios are the most important things, so as long as its not in the scenario it cant attack

[Compensation settlement is delayed due to an unexpected scenario check. Please wait.]

The compensation settlement should've started right now but only an error message floated in the air.

I look at the Notifications with just nothing

[two constellations show a faint interest in you.]

Constellations. They were mysterious beings in Ways of Survival. They sat watching from the distant nebulas and were the masterminds of this tragedy.

[A handful of constellations admire your calmness during the scenario.]

[The constellations have sponsored you 500 coins.]

[Wow, amazing.]

The dokkaebi appeared in the air.

[What on earth happened here? I was just watching the other carriages...]

There was a mixture of delight and surprise on the dokkaebi's face. Twinkling stars floated over the dokkaebi's head.

[For 21 people to be connected to my channel... Haha, isn't this quite good? Gosh, thank you for your sponsorship. Constellations. Haha, everyone! Did you properly show off your value?]

[ The fellow in the next carriage was a nutter as well... It seems that things are quite interesting today.]

The dokkaebi manipulated something in the air. A moment later, a list of survivors came up.

[Survivors from the 3434 Train to Bulgwang, Carriage 3907: Mae Baek-Hyun .A total of one survivors.]

Without having even a thought in my mind I turned around and stated looking for items

I found some food which will be helpful, and I also took a dead school kids bag to store all my stuff in.

I decided to bring: a Stanley knife, enough food for 2-3 days, a watch, a portable phone charger, earphones, clothing from dead people, a face mask from another dead person, and a pair of boots from another dead person.

After I had finished packing I heard a notification.

[A few constellations are confused by your actions.]
[A few constellations are impressed with your quick thinking.]

The dokkaebi then appears in front of me and spouted nonsense but a certain line peaked my interest

[Now now, shouldn't there be a reward for overcoming the hardships? As a reward for the first scenario, you are entitled to the sponsorship of the 'constellations.' Waahhh! How about it? Aren't you looking forward to it? Hmm, you are all unenthusiastic. This is really a big deal.]

The sponsorship of the constellations. The meaning was obvious. One of the key events of Ways of Survival, 'Sponsor Selection' was about to begin.

After the dokkaebi finished speaking 3 choices appeared in front of me

1. Abyssal Black flame dragon 

2. Demon-like Judge of Fire 

3. The Unforgiving Undertaker

The constellations never revealed their true name. Therefore, all contractors must infer the identity of the constellations by words such as 'abyssal', 'demonic', and 'garden'.
Of course, this puzzle was nothing to me, the sole reader of Ways of Survival.
Let's see.

First, is the 'Abyssal Black Flame Dragon.'

According to my memory, this constellation was a powerful entity that led the group of constellations called the Black Cloud. I forgot his real name but I remember it was a very long name.

The advantage of this constellation was that the contractor could receive a very strong attack power. In the early days when stamina and strength were in urgent need, there was no constellation as strong as the Abyssal Dark Flame Dragon.

Of course, that was limited to the beginning. As the power of this constellation was more frequently used, the mind became corrupted and the contractor would become a mad murderer.

The second one, the Demon-like Judge of Fire.

At first glance, the name was overflowing with evil. But this was actually a trap for the wicked. The 'Demon-like' actually meant 'not a demon.' Then the words 'fire' and 'judge' were added.

A being who wasn't a demon and who made judgments through fire. Paradoxically, the master of this constellation was an angel.

If I recalled corrected, it was Archangel Uriel... In fact, I remembered this because someone in the novel picked this constellation as a sponsor.

It was a pretty decent choice. This was pending. The constellations of 'absolute good' imposed ridiculous constraints if you wanted to use their enormous power.

Unforgiving Undertaker? I had never seen this constellation before In Ways of Survival...

Hmmm... I wonder what the 'Undertaker' means, Mabey a sort of Demon or Death-related constellation.

I honestly don't really care about the rest of the consolations on the notification because he knew that he wasn't really in need of a constellation so in curiosity he picked Unforgiving Undertaker

Hopefully, I don't regret my choice...

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