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[There are three ways to survive in a ruined world. Now I have forgotten a few, but one thing is certain. The fact that you who are reading this will now survive.]

So this is the end... The story may not be the best known but I still have mutual feelings towards the book, it gave me a mixture of Excitement and also enough information to make the perfect novel for me

" Hey Mae Baek-Hyun, could you finish the rest of my work, thanks! "

One of my colleagues called out just as I had finished my break. I don't respond and lay my phone on the desk to get back to work.

This is normal for me, finishing other people's work because they know that I can't fight back, this is the only job that accepted me because of my criminal history.

Not many people would hire a murderer except for Mr.Hwan, my boss who hired me because I was powerless and others despised me, the only reason is that his business is still running is because of how much I work for little to no pay.

Though the work I'm doing right now isn't even mine, I finished my work about 2 days ago and I haven't left the office yet because I am doing other people's work.

Time skip-

' Finally done...' I was thought as I arrive at the Train station and pay for a ticket.

As I wait for the train I think about Hr. Hwan and all my colleagues.

My life is like the Medieval times, if you were a peasant and disobeyed the king you would most likely be executed, it's the same concept, right?
If I disobeyed Mr.Hwan I would be fired and most likely be kicked out of my house and die of hunger on the streets.

When the train arrives I walk through the doors of carriage 3907 and take a seat away from everyone else as they stare at me probably knowing who I am, I'm just the '7-year-old murderer who has no emotions and should just die '.

They look at me like that but all humans are disgusting, we have all done something wrong in our lives no matter if it's something like murder or insulting someone we have all done something wrong.

I look up to the clock which says 6:59, I wish I could just get some sleep but everyone is being so loud...

But all of a sudden the train came to a stop with the lights flickering for a moment until they shut off, confusion and panic soon filled almost everyone as they asked the person next to them if they knew what was happening.

After a couple of minutes, the engineer's voice came out of the speakers

-Telling all passengers on the train. Telling all passengers on the train.

Everyone quieted down

-E-everyone run away... Run...!

A beeping started and the broadcast turned off, after that inside the train was a ruckus, but I was the only one the didn't Freakout about the situation.

' Hmm, I guess today is my day huh.. kinda unexpected but okay ' I thought as everyone else was screaming and running around like rats.

but then a bright light flashed from the front of the subway train. There was a big drumming sound followed by a popping. Something was heading this way in the darkness.

I was looking around to see where the noise came from, but then I heard it

[The free service of planetary system 8612 has been terminated.]

[The main scenario has started.]


EDITED: 26-4-2022 8:48 PM

Finished :18-04-2022 23:50

Authors Note: Hello and welcome to Apathy, I hope you have all liked this chapter, and make sure to leave some comments so I can get more ideas and help improve the adventures of Mae Baek-Hyun

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