Chapter 17

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The hammering on Steve's door sounded loudly the next morning, causing Cap to begin barking and growling.

Lilith heaved herself from bed and headed for it, muttering about how it was too early and she was pissed off. Looking through the peephole she saw Sheriff Ross and his men there.

Flinging open the door she glared at them, "you assholes know what time it is!"

"Your husband in?"

"Who's asking?" She crossed her arms in annoyance. "It's six in the fucking morning!"

"Yeah and we wanna ask him some questions, so drag his ass outta bed and tell him to come outside".

Lilith huffed and called back to Steve. "Sheriff sissy and his men wanna talk to ya!"

"Oh for fuck sake! Now!" Steve's voice came from the bedroom.

"Just get up you asshole and come out here to deal with him!" She yelled back at him angrily and then turned to Ross. "Happy?"

"Not in the slightest." Ross looked unimpressed and then saw a shirtless Steve appear behind Lilith. "Morning sleepy head!"

Steve glared at him now, lighting the cigarette that was hanging from his mouth. "The fuck is this about?" He asked, snapping the top of the lighter shut. 

"We need you to come down to the office and answer a few questions". Ross got straight to the point.

Exhaling the smoke he raised a brow, "'bout what?"

"We've reason to believe that you're involved in the death of Ralph Bohner".

Lilith's face fell. "Wait...Ralph's dead?"

No, that couldn't be right surely?

"You've gotta be shitting me". Steve muttered.

Ross nodded. "Body was found this morning down the alley beside Stan's shop. Agatha had already called this morning to say he didn't come home last night".

Lilith looked at Steve and then to Ross. "This isn't did he die? Do you know?"

"All we can say is that we're treating it as a suspicious death - hence why we need to speak to Rogers here".

"You seriously think I had a hand in this!"

"Just cooperate and come with is - oh and we have a warrant to search the place so in you go boys!". Ross said as the other officers now walked in and went to search for what they were looking for.

Steve rolled his eyes, "can I at least get dressed?"

"Go ahead". Ross said as Lilith held Cap back who was still growling at the disturbance.

Throwing on his top, sleeveless jacket and boots - he joined Ross outside. "No idea what the hell you're looking for, but I had nothing to do with this". 

One of the officers came out. "Sir..." and held up a bag of blue cubes. 

Steve blinked. "What in the actual fuck is that?" 

"I dunno, you tell me." Ross turned to him, "The same thing was found on Ralph".  He took his cuffs and shoved them onto Steve's wrists behind his back. "Come with us". 

Lilith watched helplessly as Steve told her to call the gang together, before being put into the cop car. By now most of them had already come out and were running over to try and stop Ross, however they were threatened with arrest and backed down. 

Laura ran to Lilith, "What the hell is going on?" 

"Ralph's dead, and they think Steve was involved. They found some blue cube things on him and I've never even seen them before!" She said, not knowing what to make of it. "Neither had Steve, I could tell by the look on his face they weren't his". 

Laura led her to the couch and sat her down, "Ok, calm down..."

Lilith stared into the distance. "This doesn't add up, it's a set up, it has to be!" 

Passing her some water, Laura sat with her. "What are they gonna do?" 

"Taken him in for questioning. I can't do anything..." Had she not have been lugging round extra weight then she'd have been ripping the door to the cop car open and dragging Steve from it. 

"Steve's dealt with jail before, he knows how this works. He'll be ok."

Sam and Bucky walked in along with Nat, who looked as though she was about to commit murder. "So, what do we do?" Bucky asked. 

Lilith shrugged, at a loss. "We just have to wait it out..." 

"They think he's involved in Ralph's death. Why?" 

"Don't know, but the cops said that the substances they found here were found on Ralph. Someone's clearly set Steve up and tipped Ross off. It's the only explanation". 

Bucky looked at Lilith, "What did they look like?" 

"Blue cubes. They were small". Lilith said. "Kinda like the colour of the super serum".

He nodded and put the phone to his ear. "Johnny, it's Bucky - I'm gonna need you to do some digging for me, Steve's in trouble..." 

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