Chapter 19

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Elsa's pov

I walk in Merida's room as I hear Rap shouted the word, "STARED." I close the door behind me and asked them, "Who was staring?" The whole room became silent, the second I opened the door. Yet the room is still silent as everyone's gaze is upon me.

"So? Who was staring?" I ask again. Rap pulls a huge smile and says, "No one was staring, we were on about how... Hiccup's... dog was... staring... at him... when we was asleep." I raise an eyebrow and answer, "Uh huh, yep, totally. I'm so gonna believe that." Punzie nods her head as she says, "Yep, you will now." I just giggled at that and said "Yep, I do, I believe you so much, it's unbelievable." I walk towards Punzie to sit next to her.

Merida makes a few fake coughs and we all had our attention at her. "I think you guys are forgetting something?" Merida says, but we all just look at each other. My gaze scanning everyone, and I stopped at Jack. "Wait, why is Jack wearing a suit?" I ask looking at him. Everyone started laughing their head off, accept Jack and I, as I am just dumb folded at the moment. I look at everyone as they are laughing like mad and rolling on the floor, but Jack was just glaring at them with frustration in his eyes.

"I gave him the suit to wear, since I don't have any more spare clothes accept that." Hiccup explains as he wipes a tear from the corner of his eye. I giggled at the explanation from Hiccup and turned to Jack, "You look great wearing a suit." I complemented him and flashed him one of my sweetest smiles. He has a little blush across his face, 'He's so cute when he blushes and the suit makes him look really handsome. He's so dreamy. Wait, STOP!' The thought I had ended up making me blush a little.

"I can see little blushes happening over there." Punzie teases. "Stop teasing Punz! I-it's not funny!" I exclaim as I playfully slap her arm. "I wasn't even talking about you, I was talking about Jack." Punzie says. I start blushing like mad from embarrassment and glance at Jack from the corner of my eye who is also blushing like a red cherry. Punzie nudges me with her elbow to get my attention. "So, you don't deny that you were blushing just then, hey." Punzie teases me again. My face instantly heats up and Punzie starts laughing again. "STOP TEASING RAPUNZEL!" I shout at the laughing punzie.

Merida does another fake cough to get our attention again. "You guys are still forgetting something?" We all look at each other again. "What have we forgotten?" We all ask Merida in unison. Merida looks at us with her defeat expression as she face palms herself. "The dare? Remember?" Merida asks us, as we all say, "Oh!" in unison.

Hiccup nudges Jack so he would get up and prepare for the dare, but instead Jack didn't move a muscle and just stayed put. Hiccup gets up and pulls Jack up, I just sit there giggling, but Punz drags me up as well. "W-wait! Do I really have to do it?" I ask as me and Jack stand next to each other, and the three of them nodded. "Well... do we... erm... really need to... erm..." Jack pauses, "Make out," he mumbles quietly as he scratches the back of his neck with a bit of redness spreading on his pale cheeks. Merida and Hiccup looks at Punz, since she thought of the dare for Jack. "Er... I think you guys need to make out." Punzie says with a nod. "Is it even necessary to make out?" Jack questions Punzie as he looks at the floor not meeting anyone's eyes. Punzie puts her hands on her hips as she says "Well, I gave you the dare and it's your fault for picking dare when it comes to me, and for me, I think it's necessary to make out!" she points at us, "Now get in your positions!" She demands us to get ready for the dare.

"So... do I just... stand here?" I ask them, they all nod as an answer. "Well then, I guess... I'm ready?" I say to Jack who is just stood a few feet away from me. He nods and takes deep breaths. He takes a few steps making him centimetres away from me now. "So... er...," he starts as he scratches the back of his neck, "Will you er...," he slowly continues, "Marry me?" He finishes. I become dumb folded as I don't know what to say.

"You call THAT a proposal?!" Punzie exclaims. "Do it again! that doesn't count!" Jack sighs in frustration and goes back to the beginning. He takes a few steps, but before he was centimetres away from me, Merida stopped him as she screams, "STOP!" We all look at her confused. "We forgot something again." Merida says as she pulls out the ring that she got from her mother's room and gave it to Jack. "Now, you may propose, and please don't lose it, my mum WILL kill me if it's lost." She says as Jack nods and Merida goes back to her seat. Rapunzel motions us to action, but I'm just stood here looking at the puzzled Jack, whilst I have no idea of what to do or to respond to the proposal.

Jack looks at Hiccup for help, but he just shook his shoulders, so he looks at me making me have a slight blush on my face. "I don't know what to do?" He whispers to me. I shook my shoulders and shake my head, then I pointed at Punzie. Jack looks at Punize, then the ring which is still in his hand. He looks back at Punzie as he asks, "I don't know to do?" Punzie literally face palms herself in defeat as she sighs in frustration. "Seriously?! Proposing is basically like confessing your love, but with the 'will you marry me' speech at the end or something!" Punzie exclaims

"So what do I do? As in... what do I say to make it a... er... proposal?" Jack asks again. Punzie face palms again and before she could make another exclaim, Merida covered her mouth and said, "Just improvise and say what you want." Punzie gets released from Merida's grasp as she makes another point. "Don't just improvise! Make it romantic! You can't class it as a proposal without romantic!" Jack nods and looks at me, "So... you... erm... ready?" He slowly asks me. I slowly nod my head as he takes a few steps back. Now we are a few feet away from each other again.

"Oh, wait! Before we start, what do I say as an answer to the proposal?" I ask them with a nervous tone. "Answer however you li-" Merida was cut off by Punzie covering her mouth this time. "Don't even listen to this women! You HAVE to say yes. I repeat YES!" Punzie shouts. I nod to say I got the message and that I HAVE to say yes.

"ACTION!" They all shout.

Jack puts the ring in his pocket and takes in a few deep breaths again. He takes a few steps towards me making my heart beat ten times faster from being nervous, as I have to say, 'Yes' to Jack as he will ask me, "Will you marry me."

Hey! Sorry for a late reply! I've been busy with my not published books and college work! I hope you enjoyed this chapter and I will update ASAP! Please be patient with me! Sorry!
Anyway! Please comment, vote and follow! Thanks for reading! Xx

A Sacrificed Love! ~ JelsaWhere stories live. Discover now