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Sophie's POV
He was an angel, i sat on my bed, thinking over what happened yesterday. I doubt he will show up again, he was just being nice. I mean someone like him, would never like someone like me... My thoughts were interrupted by yelling.
"Stupid bitch" my miter yelled from my bedroom door way
"W-what did i do?" I whispered.
"What didn't you do? You stupid waste of space, you should have fucking killed yourself" she yelled.
"I know" i whispered back, a tears fell from my eyes. She walked away, i checked the time, 2:56, he wont be there. I slipped on a black hoodie, and my white high tops. I stuck my head phones in, and walked to the dock. I sung along to my favourite song, teenage wasteland by lana del rey. All of a sudden i felt a tap on my shoulder, i turned around to be met with a blue eyed angel.
"Uh yeah, why are you so surprised to see me?" He questioned
"I dont know, i guess i thought you wouldnt show up"
"Well i wanted to see you" he smiled
This boy really is blind.
"Shall we?" He said giving me his hand, which i didn't take, and he awkwardly ran his fingers through his hair. I got up and followed him to the tree house. We once again sat in the middle of it, and i started thinking about what my mum said, i stared at my feet and tried to keep my tears in.
"Sophie, you look upset" he said
I shook my head no, but he went to go pull me closer, and i backed up.
"How about you tell me about yourself" he said
"Uh there isn't much to tell" i whispered
"Favourite colour?" He questioned
"Black, how about you?"
"Mines blue, favourite animal?"
"Penguins" i giggled thinking about the soft little waddly things.
"Me too!!!" He shouted" favourite place?"
"Here" i whispered
"Same, its beautiful like..." He dazed off. I sat there not saying anything. Suddenly he moved, he started staring.
"You didn't even try to get my attention, its been an hour, and I've been out of it" he laughed
"I didn't wanna bother you"
"Sophie, you could never be a bother"
"Hey why don't you ever take my hand or let me hug you?" He asked
To be honest it was cause my hands are sweaty and gross, and I'm too fat to hold, i would crush him.
"Uh i don't know, i just don't like to be too close to people" i whispered an he looked down with a sad expression. I felt bad, and i did want to hold this beautiful boy's hand, so i wrapped my pinky around his. He looked at me and smiled. He latched his also, so we were pinky in pinky.
"I like your eyes" i blurted out quietly, his smile grew even wider.
"Thanks but yours are amazing" he said
"B-but they are grey and dull"
"They are beautiful" he finished
"Thanks" i mumbled not believing a word out of his mouth. We laid down on the tree house floor, about 4 feet between us, for a few hours.
"Sophie its getting late"
"Mhm" i replied
"Don't you have to get home?" He asked
"Nah i don't have to"
"Hold on ill be back" he said
He's probably leaving. Soon he came back with 3 pillows and some blankets. I giggled as he yelled "sleep over"

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