Her story

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Luke's POV
"Fine, but please don't hate me after" she is finally gonna tell me, and what the fuck, i could never ever hate her.
"I will never hate you"
"Well um my mum, she uh she hits me" she whispered, i swear my heart just shattered, her mother hurt her, how could someone hurt such a beautiful soul. She wasn't done though
"At school, i don't really go anymore, because these 3 boys, um hurt me too, and no one likes me, so i stopped going.
"Sophie how old are they?" I was terrified, cause my 3 friends are always gloating about how they beat up this girl at school, and how uh Mikey raped her. Im scared cause this might be her, especially since the boys don't gloat anymore, probably cause she is not at school for them to beat her up.
"17, well the one boy is 18" shit!
"Uh, th-their names?"
"I can't get them in trouble" she looked petrified.
"You wont, i promise"
"Uh okay, calum, ashton, and michael"
"Fucking bitch" i screamed, not at her, but she still looked very hurt. I was in to much of a rage to care though, i climbed out of the tree house, and ran over to my care, i drove over to Mikey's house.
Sophie's POV
I knew it. I sat In the tree house crying. Why would he stay, your a worthless, piece of trash, just go home and get beat, you know you deserve it, Luke hates you now. Go do it, go die. The voices wont shut up. I knew i deserved what ever i got. I walked home. Cold and alone. As soon as i walked inside i was greeted with a hard slap to the face.
"Stupid cunt, i hate you, i hope you have a child just like you, horrible, worthless, stupid, fat, bitch of a cunt" i was on the floor, she was kicking me. Eventually i was sucked into a dark sleep, not before, i felt my head smash against the floor.

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