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"What's the catch?" 

It took all I had to keep myself from pulling away from the hulking hand that squeezed my jaw, forcing my mouth open. Dark, critical eyes bore right through me, and I made sure to avoid them, staring at my warped reflection in the man's golden helmet instead. 

"There is no catch, my lord. She's a fine specimen, if ever I've seen one. As healthy as a horse, too!" 

Physically, at least… 

"Not one of my other girls can compare! Plucked straight from central Alabasta, previously owned by none other than Sir Crocodile, former War Lord of the sea!" The passionate slave broker spoke proudly, as though my previous home was something to brag about. 

I'd rather go to Impel Down with Croc…At least he manhandled me with a little bit of respect… 

Finally releasing my jaw, the potential customer grunted, moving to circle me like a vulture, for which I stood perfectly still. 
"You said you had trouble selling her. That sounds to me that she's flawed. Explain, otherwise neither of you will be leaving my kingdom." 

Glancing to the broker, I could see sweat glistening on his brow. Honestly, I was curious about what bullshit was about to spew from his mouth. 
"Oh, I assure you, your highness, no flaws! I must have muddled my words before! What I meant to say was that I had trouble locating you, is all! I knew this woman would be the perfect fit for a kingdom as fine as Germa!" 

Liar. Not even Doflamingo wanted me. Well, not for the price you were asking. I'm kinda relieved though. If he used me in the way I think he planned to, I would've been split in half months ago… 

There really wasn't anything wrong with me, per-se. He wasn't lying when he said I was physically healthy, but the only reason I was his best girl was because all of the others were battered and bruised, if not permanently scarred. I had been lucky that Crocodile had been a decent man, if one would be able to look past his murderous schemes and villainy. 

Vinsmoke Judge looked sceptical, to say the least, and I couldn't blame him. He wasn't a dumb man, that was obvious if the legends of Germa's technological advancements were true. 

"Girl," He turned back to me, and I flinched under the command of his voice. "can you work? Lift, clean, cook?" I was about to respond, but the broker took over. 
"As I said, she can do anything you wish for her to do! Cooking, cleaning, maintenance, tailoring, even tending to the young princes, if you catch my drift." 

Yeah, Impel Down sounds like a dream right now… 

"Did I ask you?" Oozing every sense of the word threat, Judge shot a fearsome glare to the broker before shifting to stand directly over the top of me, drowning me in the shadow he cast. Gulping back my terror, I forced my shoulders to square, clutching my hands together to stop their shaking. 
"I..I am fully capable of working, Your Highness." 

Though my wants were irrelevant, I longed for nothing more than to be back in Alabasta. It was familiar to me, and whilst it was barren, it still held traces of natural life, which was more than I could say for Germa. 

"Very well. I'll purchase this girl, but I won't pay higher than five thousand berries. Take it or leave it. I won't barter with the likes of you." Oh, how I wished I could have begged the broker to say no to the King, but I knew for a fact he was sick and tired of dealing with me. 

"Of course, your majesty! A pleasure doing business with you! She won't let you down!" 

You never tell them about it…

I watched the exchange of money with tight lips, still as stone until the broker left, giddy with excitement. That left me alone with Vinsmoke Judge and a whole lot of anxiety.
"Come." He had already started walking, and I stumbled over my own feet when I scurried after him, still wringing my wrists. 

TEMPESTUOUS - Ichiji/Niji/Yonji x Reader Where stories live. Discover now