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Oh joy. More fighting.

I had foolishly believed that the boys had met their argument quota for the day. They had proven me wrong once the clock neared midnight, both cornering me outside the servant's building.

"She's reserved. Go back to your hole and suffer, spinach top."

"Suck my ass, Niji. You ain't tricking her into bed with you."

"What, like you've been with your little sob fests? Wah, wah! I'm Yonji! I'm a big stupid baby! Pet my head and tell me I'm a good boy! Wah!"

"Shut up! At least I'm not trying to get in her pants!"

"Oh, I know that. You would've had her running scared from that prick you call a-"

"ENOUGH!" I shouldn't have shouted so loud in the middle of the night, but their bickering was driving me to the brink of insanity. Yes, brothers would fight, but it was getting ridiculous at this point.

If I don't shut them up, we're gonna get caught.

"Listen, how about we compromise, hmm? I'm not sure why sleeping in the same bed as me is so important, but we could maybe all-"
"I'M NOT SHARING A BED WITH HIM!" Both men cut me off with a shout, directed towards each other rather than at me. They were bristling, itching to throw punches, I was sure.

Chewing on my lip and glancing around the moonlit vicinity, I attempted to think of something else. Anything at all to appease the pair.
"How about...Yonji, you like me there with you while you fall asleep, right? I can stay until you do, then I can go to Niji's room?"

I kind of felt like a cheap hooker, scheduling my time like that, but what else could I do? I couldn't exactly split myself in half safely.
"Well...fine, if that's what you want to do. Just as long as he ain't forcing you..." Yonji agreed, albeit sourly, earning himself a harsh smack to the chest, courtesy of his brother.

"I'm not. Whatever, I stay up late anyway." Niji shrugged his shoulders and started to walk off into the night, hands in his pockets. "Don't try to pull an all nighter just to keep her with you, Yonj. I'll kick your ass."

Before Yonji could charge after him, I swiftly took hold of his hand and lead him in the same direction after waiting a few minutes.
"You really like sleeping with me, huh?" I chuckled softly, aware that he was trying not to squeeze my hand too tightly.

"D..don't phrase it like that!" Yonji spluttered, throwing his gaze to our feet as he entered the main castle. "I just, well, you gave me all these dumb feelings I can't deal with, so it's your responsibility to stabilise 'em when I need it."

I wasn't quite sure why my chest stung a little little he said that, but I had a vague idea.
"Ah, well that's fair, I guess..." I murmured, jumping slightly when his hand squeezed tighter, paired with a frustrated groan.
"Ugh, no...That's not why..." He sighed, rubbing at the back of his neck.

Aw, he's being shy.

"Well, why then? I'd like to know." I urged him, curious about what his answer would be. It was a slow process, but Yonji had become much more open with his new feelings, and I loved hearing anything and everything about them.

Removing his hand from mine, which I knew was due to safety considers, lest Reiju or, God forbid, his father were to see us, he pouted.
"I already told ya, it's cuz you make me feel all calm and safe..." He explained, kind of shrinking in on himself as he went on. "Also, I guess it's one of the only times I can have you to myself without having to share with Niji and Ichiji..."

TEMPESTUOUS - Ichiji/Niji/Yonji x Reader Where stories live. Discover now